Career Advise

Engineering’s a great area to go into. I’ll be in my Sr. year of Mechanical at Penn State. I’ll disregard the poor choice you decided on Pitt lol. Just messing. Try and get involved and always put your name out there for the internships. Company’s really like people with hands on experience such as automotive. I’ve got to co-op at Honda(saw RDX, TL and Accord Model builds) and at Bose working on a vibration canceling suspension system.

Try and get a diverse experience if you can. I thought Honda would be great, but working in a MFG. plant got old after 3 months. Bose was a lot more fun since you got to work with cutting edge technology and do product development. Helped me decide to do a masters in electrical or get an MBA. Medical companys are good places to get into. There’s a high demand for product and they charge a premium price = highest paying jobs in most engineering diciplines.

Good luck and have fun with it.

If your good with computers, i say go into computer programming. Its only going to grow more, and there are so many jobd right now.

id’ kill for 80%

i’ve changed from a private school to public university to public school that became a university. my initial loss was something like 40 credits out of a total of 60… and of the 20 that came over, they were downgraded to electives…

i have 150+ credits and no degree.

so is life.

That sucks, fshowcars…wow.

Though a degree probably woudn’t matter much for you at this point, since you have a well established career/resume.

so many jobs and so many unqualified applicants. It may continue to grow, but the demand for good people is growing even faster. You have to be committed to computers to get a job anymore.

well i guess the next question would be, does anyone have advise on a part-time/full-time job i should get that would look good when i finally get a job in the engineering field? I dont think i could intern anywhere yet since i have yet to take any engineering stuff, but would still like something that might give me some type of experience that would help. If that even makes sense.

do the Co Op program think you can start after second year?? io think that is best option to get experience in desired field

yea, thats what i figured, but for the time being, i dont have a job right now, and figured i would look for something related to engineering, but dont think anywhere would hire me being a freshman engineering student.

GM highers freshman engineers for summer interns. May be a little late at this point though. Probably the best you could get as a Freshman is doing documentation for company produtcs or updating documentation. Easy enough to learn in a couple days but boring as hell. Good foot in the door though.

most places don’t hire engineering interns until after their sophomore year.

I am harassing him as more of an inside joke. stfu thankyouhaveaniceday.

:rofl: Ok. If that is the excuse you want to play because you can’t/didn’t/are too lazy to read, then very well.

this is ontopic, please take it to PM’s

My guess is around 25% of companys do higher Freshman. This just based on the carreer fairs I’ve gone to at PSU and seeing what year students companys accepted. Plus if a company gets you after your freshman year its likely you’ll continue to come back to them for at least one more internship or co-op. Which is great for the company since you’ll already have an understanding of the company and the culture. Definetly puts you ahead on the learning curve.

Whats everyones opinion about Drafting?i was doing drafting for a semester at CCAC south but i was only takeing 1 class for it.the travel was kinda far and alot of people were telling me drafting is dieing and i wouldnt find a decent paying job in it.i chose this field because my math isnt very strong.i mean i never failed in highschool or in ccac but my grades were usually mid 70’s - low 80’s in math.i do however like CAD and have some experience at it.I just like drawing things on that program.

x2 We’re always looking for people.

our firm has 5 summer interns, 1 freshman, 1 sophomore, 1 junior, and 2 seniors.

I feel i can shed some light on this thread.

My high school offered a vo/tech school substitute for students who met graduation requirements early. I went for drafting/design. I got hired in an engineering firm as a CAD draftsman, and got promoted to designer. My firm offers tuition reimbersment, so naturally, i started taking evening courses in Electrical Engineering. It takes considerably longer, but at the same time, I gain the experience, and get paid. Also, and this is BIG. You get to view the profession from all its aspects. My boss goes through a ton of fresh outta school engineer’s interviews, and turns them down, because they have the knowledge, but not the application. What good are all the formulas you learn, if you can’t apply them to a project.

Education is important, but if you have a chance for experience, i’d say go with that. Once your in the business you can move up, its just getting in the door thats tough. I sort through a dozen emails a day from engineering recuiters wanting me to leave and join them. And thats a good feeling.