carfax for a boat ?

Anyone know if carfax covers boats as well? Looking for some info…


thanks ahead of time.

no, because it is for CARS, “CARfax” :massmoon: (when did…)

but really, carfax wont let you do a search unless you have 17characters, and your vin only has 12

was it really that hard? :smiley:

i clicked that expecting a 404 hahahaha

lmao i was gonna say its probably something dumb like

I have serious doubts about that site. I have a nice little thank you plaque from Collins Marine with my hull ID number here in my office so I tossed it in for a search. It did come back that it was a Chaparral, but there was a link at the bottom to “register boat”. I followed it and they want me to enter in all the information you would normally get on carfax, like date of purchase etc.

So chances are if the owner of the boat hasn’t been to this site to enter their information that search isn’t going to return much info. It looks to me like it’s user entered data version of carfax. From the sounds of what they appear to be selling I’m guessing they have a database of stolen HID#'s they search against but not much more.

Bottom line, you’re probably way better off getting someone who knows boats and the problem areas to watch for to look it over for you than trusting

Entered it there… told me what I already knew. Sorry if this topic seemed like bad idea, I just had a quick second before heading off to work. Thanks for help guys.

Sorry, I should have added a disclaimer that said I didn’t really know what I was talking about… I just decided to google “boatfax” to see what would happen… :stuck_out_tongue: