Carlisle Performance and Style 2010 - May 8 & 9

Is anyone going to go this year?

There is a group of us from Rochester doing a rally style cruise down on friday afternoon / evening. Anyone interested in joining?

I’ll be there, but I’m heading straight down from Fredonia. I’m really hoping that there are more well done cars there this year :slight_smile:

There will probably be a good amount of NYSpeed people there. Newman loves that shit. :slight_smile:

honestly, i thought the show was weak… Im going back just for the party at Rodeway

We have a fairly large group leaving Friday afternoon from the Corning NY area. We will be down there all weekend and have a club tent reserved for the club ‘607 Motorsports’ if you guys see the tent and banners flying please feel free to stop by and say hello :slight_smile:

Also leaving Friday morning from Auburn, ny in a group of 5-10 cars

Elite Creations will be there all weekend. Will be arriving Friday evening and partying til Sunday afternoon!

thats our hotel. look for the ground up crew.

ill be there

thursday woot woot

rodeway… two thumbs up.

Ill have my big turbo a4 out, stop buy and ill get you a beer in a red cup.

last year we learned that the open container law applies to parking lots too

I’m going!

last year we had a keg in the parking lot at the rodeway, cops told us to take it in a room.

I’m liking this already.

im in ill bring my bagged s10 anyone wanna set up a wny gathering place? then do a stop in fredonia and pick up some cars then meet w/ 607 motorsports and pick up more cars for a final cruise to the show? ill organize it if anyone wants in…

ill be with you :slight_smile:

are you coming with our group too?