Cars in your work parking lot...

Here’s something you dont see often.

very nice :slight_smile: where do you work?


i just realised your in NYC lol i was gonna say i hadn’t seen a yellow fd around here yet, damn you for getting my hopes up haha

… don’t even get me started…

with what? that you get to see my car in the parking lot at work?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Other work :ham:

Hmm… I see a nice car, driven by someone who can’t park worth shit.


I saw one yesterday, it was green.

i like the avus blue M3 in the corner of the first pic :slight_smile:

That Chevy Venture in the background is hot. :pimp:

Got the Black V8 Dodge Durango representing in there as well lol

my work is full of old muscle

Sorry to hear that.

I dont have any pictures but we did have one of these parked in the parking lot…

One day I’ll sneek down the underground parking for executives only, and see what I can find :slight_smile:

Word! Nice car but he needs one of those “you par like an asshole” tickets


Nah this is a efini yellow fd. I think only 500 were ever produced only in 1993.

My work parking lot is full of brand new Toyotas for some reason.

I dont have a work parking lot, but the hospitals I visit have Dr’s with good taste…02 M3 vert…:lick: