Cartman007 is still alive and in the motherf**king house!


Glad things are going well for you Jim, you need to change 75% of your sig.


Hows FL? I am moving there in 7 months and 2 days, going to UCF. My sister lives off Balboa, Good homes Road in Orlando. It is a huge city, so you may not know where it is. Cant wait to get south.
Looks like you have the beginning of a great life.

Thanks for the weldome back, been nice to see some familiar names, even hater assholes!

Welcome Jim, sucks you sold the truck :frowning:

hey congrats jim, not sure if you remember me from years back, but looks like you are doing very well :tup:

whos that chinese guy in the picture next to you? lololol

btw, i’ll be down in the tampa area for a week in the next month or two…i’ll be sure to take up the invite to come visit my favorite extreme owner :smiley:

and we can shoot the pre-paid legal shit too :tspry:


You should se the dude now, he looks like a walking steriod! hahahaa! Nah, he is all natural as far as I know, he works out hard.

Hey Jim, long time no talk! I still see the Xtreme floating around here and there. Congrats on everything :tup:


Glad to know the O-roc is still alive and kicking, I would imagine it is pretty nasty by now… 10’s?

Wow blast from the past! good do see your doing great man

Hey jim if you want to know whats been up with oroc’s car check this post out

wow, that is badass, glad to see it is still up and running and even better than before! Shit, guess he won’t lose to N20 powered Xtremes anymore! :biglaugh: Oh well, at least I can say I beat it (like 4-5 years ago! :biglol:)

lol its not running, he spun a rod bearing at the track and is motorless again… for now :snky: