last night sportsallstar035 and myself went to the buffalo auto show. We took my car and parked down the street. when we were walking out of the parking lot there was a group of ppl walking behind us. One of them said something about loving turbo timers. (my car was running on it) So i was polite and said yes there nice or something similar to that. He then asked if i wanted to race this summer. So being that ill race anything i said yes. I asked him what he drove. He said a 240 and then started babbling off a list of mods i didnt feel like listening to because it was cold as f*ck out and i just wanted to get into the building. (wasnt trying to be rude) I made a joke about ill let you know how your taillights look. Well i dont think he heard me correctly or something because he right away started getting defensive saying that im gonna need more than what i have to beet him and bla bla bla… He asked if there were any meets that i go to. Since the only meet i usually go to is southgate i said exactly that. Right away he said "O your one of those NYSpeed guys. He then said somethign about how he was the one who brought all his boys from the hood and then he mumbled something. He said everyone on here would know about him.
So im asking if anyone knows who im talking about and what is this crap about bringing his boys from the hood to southgate?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHA i forget his name, but yes i know who you are talking about :tup:
danny is a good kid, and on a serious note, he doesnt take online people talkign shit as a joke, so he will find the people talking shit about him and bring people to make you look dumb, ask the guys on here who were there when he showed up at southgate and clowned them.
^^ was it RJ messing around?? or was this someone being serious?
danny has a blue 240 that he blew the motor up and just put in a new one. he loves to race anybody even if he loses he still just love to race. Last summer people were talking shit about him on here so he showed up with people and clowned the people on here talking about him.
yea but andy, the people who said shit to him don’t even go to southgate lol
it was hotrodkid
I wasnt talking shit. I told it from my point of view. If he wants to “clown” me then it is what it is. Im not here looking for trouble. Just trying to find out who he was and what happened with him in the past at southgate.
How many times have you been to southgate? only people i know with STi’s are steve2k1116, rrsti and my friend mike, that come to sg anyways
yea represent lol
ive been there about 5 times last summer. dont really go to often but trying to get into the scene more. i’ve seen other STi’s there all alot nicer than mine.
Well we’re usually there a good part of the week because we’re all fggts. so stop bye anytime lol
lol you bet. i dont really have a life so im there.
i only run for pinks
i usually only run for purples. i like that color better butttt i guess il settle for pinks
hahah,i loved that night. jer, i will run for purples any day
Yeah it was entertaining, he showed up with lil wayne looking for hotrodkid
He still sounds like a douchbag and that’s a good way to ruin a meeting spot.
oh shit ur gonna get clowned now, dont say u were not warned.
Kid sounds like a fuckin homo…tell him I said that too please, and he can come find me anytime he wants to “clown” me