Caste Village 7/2/06

Holiday weekend, no work on Monday, Who’s goin??

I work Monday :frowning:

I will probably stop down if it’s nice out.

maybe, if its nice

i work monday too but may be down for a little

I’ll be outta town.

Anyone want to ride down? They will probably call me off at the bar that day…

im heading down if nice out

Stranger things have happened :dunno:

ill be there… maybe even wash the car…

i’m always there longs as it’s nice

should go to jerry’s monday night

what time does that start down caste? i’d like to come check out some classics. very convienient being about 2 minutes from my house.

it starts at 5 but most people roll in around 630-7 and hang til around 9 or a lil later.

cool, i will definitely stop down if the weather remains nice.

look for the bright blue evo, can’t miss it :wink:

How about Caste then cruise to Jerry’s?

i would but have to work monday

jerrys is closed on sundays

we wnt there after Caste before and it was open?? or is it closed for the holidays?

since when?

dont hate… its open… that was when u smoked quik on the way down to jerrys…