I have two cats that need a good home. The previous owner, my ex, left them abandoned on my property. I took them in had them checked out. They are very heathly and have been spayed/neutered.
They are very loving and get along with other pets. Bonnie will need some time to adjust to a new home but she loves to cuddle.
I’ll offer a “finder’s fee” to anyone that find them a home/shelter. I have put in a word to SPCA and TLC but the waiting list is around 3 months right now. I could have just “found them” and given them to the shelter but it’s too late now. I am on the list but would rather give them a good home if possible.
I should point out that the only reason I am still with these, actually great cats, is I threw out my Ex and she left her animals. There was 5 cats and a big long story about how fucked in the head she was/is. Anyways, I am down to these 2. I really need to find them a home as I can’t dedicate myself to taking care of animals.
So call your Parents, Aunts/Uncles, Friends, Co-workers…
$50 to whom ever can find a place for them. It must be “no-kill” if it is a shelter. I will gladly transport them.
I have seen these cats with other cats…no prob. Super relaxed and friendly. First time i met these guys they were loving all lover me and letting me hold them etc. I need a bigger house for MOAR animals. Although a dog will be next for me.
Yes, I had 5 cats at one time including these 2. They also get along with kids, and dogs. Your parents are welcome to come to my house and visit to see if they would like them.
I’m not on here most of the night…hit the cell if needed - (716) 432-5608