
The sentence below is true.
The sentence above is false.


I cant go on break at work until I can explain it.


Just a paradox, no big deal. There are millions of different types in the world, most commonly in print.

My favorite written paradox is “Everything in moderation.” If you did everything in the world with moderation, you’d also use moderation in moderation, which would make the word “everything” false.

If truth does not exist, the statement “truth does not exist” is a truth, thereby proving itself incorrect.

^ That just blew my fucking mind.

i actually lol’d

What is the big deal? They are both false.

this is what you get when english teachers divide by zero.


The past is caused by the present.

if I keep reading this thread I think my brain will explode…

how about this one: “Sales Consultant”


true or false…

this sentence is false?
