I figure I’d post this info here. If you guys want to check out some cars, there are 2 indoor shows going on this weekend.
March 6-8 Cavalcade of Cars
Hamburg Agricenter www.showandcruisenews.com
Since there is no World of Wheels this year, they filled this show to the max. So it should be pretty packed.
Just to Detroit. Heading out today and coming back Sunday.
Kind of sucks because I wanted to make it to Cavalcade. I have a lot of friends in there this week.
If you go, take a bunch of pictures for me
Why? What are you expecting? It is a local show with some nice out of town cars that come in for it, some vendors, and something to do.
Hopefully all you guys go to the Cavalcade of Cars. My moms work is the sponsor and its a fundraiser for her work. Some of the money that is brought in goes to CHC which a center for handicap children. Even if the show does suck or you like it your helping out handicap children.
also from what i heard since there was no world of wheels i guess they had about 200 cars at the cavalcade of cars that tried to register but it was to full.