Cayuga Road Course

I was planning on going to Cayuga for a lapping day, but reading all the rules and bullshit sort of turned me off. What is the deal with some of these ridiculous rules? Like this one for example, if you spin out twice you get kicked out of the track? Also, I was looking at the technical inspection form, and apparently they want you to get a licensed mechanic to look over the car and sign off on it? Do they actually want everyone to do this, or do they only list it on their site for legal reasons and whatnot? Just curious.

lol never heard about the licenced mechanic … but they keep a close eye on rwd cars that loose the back end around corners.

when we went for the $60 lapping days they didnt do any inspection at all for the road course. before you get on the course the tech tells you abt the diff flags and passing… thats about it.


I am sometimes in charge of the TMP road cource and trust me ther is never an inspection of any kind, I watched 1 person spin out 5 times on one lap and nothing.

Do not listen to those rules as they are just there for the sake of it.

There is no inspection, no spin out rule, no noise restriction nothing at all.

the only thing you cannot do is intentionally drift the whole course. doing it the odd lap they don’t care at all and if so they will just let you know to knock it off and thats the end to the rules. Just can’t drive like a total retard around other drivers.

Just so you and other people know how it really is…

That’s funny, I’ve been noise tested at TMP, and had friends thrown out of the track for noise violations. Plus TMP spoke out against Dunnville at their hearing. Scumbags.

The few guys I know that did lapping at Cayuga and they very much didn’t like how they did things.

I must have not been running the show that dad becuase when I never have any problems or anything. I have never heard of any noise issues must not have been told about it.
we have open header cars rippin around and everything.

who and when did someone test the noise of your car???
they only test bikes and thats even once in a blue moon!!!

Also where you at the hearing? they never spoke out and tried to help shut dunnville down…
The whole thing on that was that when they asked TMP what they thought about it, they said “well we had the same problem and we had to shut our track down and build a 30ft berm around the track to knock the noise down”

never once did they bash Dunnville as I know people on both sides of this whole depate of he said she said bullshit…

One of my really good friends and a member of this forum had a really bad incident at TMP. I don’t remember if he posted it here, but the first problem was his exhaust, they didn’t want to let him on, but they eventually agreed. Then he got into a verbal exchange with the owner, because the owner wasn’t fond of the fact that my friend had brought a race car to a race track. (I know). The fact that the car had no interior, 8 point cage with nascar style side impact bars and running R comps, seemed to bother him. Apparently he only wants street cars at their events because a street driven race car brings too much heat to the place.

Older woman two times, and some kid another time. Perhaps the dumbass kid was you kiddo.

As for them speaking against TMP, have you read the minutes from the hearing? Or the news articles associated with it? TMP very clearly took a holier than thou stance and did their best to NOT support Dunnville. Smart from a short term “let’s take their business” standpoint. But also a dumb move in terms of those of us who won’t spend a dime at TMP because of this and their operational “excellence”. rolleyes

don’t know who the older woman would be ussually its a guy named Tim…
What you drive? The times I have been out there there was ussually only a few cars that came out except the one time when there was like 10-15 people but not one got kicked out or anything. I have never had a problem with any of the cars out there, no fighting with anyone and never complained about anyone.
The only issue I had once was a guy in a N/A 300zx drifted himself into the wall but nothing came of it.

Like I said the only think i have ever read about the whole TMP not liking Dunnville and from talking to friends and such that helped run or worked at Dunnville say that they just mentioned the whole building of the burm to prevent noise travel and thats what they did to fix the problem and Dunnville could have done something like that to help there cause as well…

I was getting on the gas early coming out of the corners and was flagged down for “drifting”. Told the older guy I wasn’t drifting but the rear was getting loose on me cause I was trying a different exit attempt. Told me not to do it anymore or else I can’t return.

This was on a Saturday open lapping mid summer where I paid $160!

Yea basically same thing happened to me. My R comps were cold on my first lap so the car got a bit loose coming out of a few corners. The douche threatened to kick me out for “drifting”. It seems like that they have no idea that a car, even a fwd or awd can get a little loose when pushed hard.

so you cant drift in cayuga??? wtf???

i think it depends on who the organizer is. That being said, safety is always important, don’t down play it.

I think that’s all it is… just who the organizer is. Had plenty fun on cayuga with great spectators, great on track action, etc…