CCW Equipped: Supra has new shoes...

Straight up ILL!! You have taste man.

I live in EG, I dont drive it but on the weekends, not too often.

The poopra never leaves the garage

looks awsome ryan

thats true he’d rather drive his gay jetta than his poopra:gay2

I think CCW’s are becoming the new “TE37”…as in everyone is getting them. However on this car with the black centers they look like they belong there from the factory :thumbup


They look like poopy.


so does the toilet after i dun pewps in it.

e-muscles. black centers would be so much better on your car…


Didn’t know this thread was still going, Adam… it’s a popular Vette/Supra wheel. After having them I can understand why.

fuck no! i love the all polished look.

Truth! Fully polished would look awesome! Black wheels are played out to much nowadays.

But OP’s car still looks good!

silver/polished is where it’s at

i really like polished but not chromed.


mine are the polished race version, just like my avatar

Like the above picture?

o sorry, cant see at work. i see red x.

imageshack is all im aloud to see and thats only until the ban that too. :frowning: