Change you can believe in...

Obama has proven that he’s for change, of his position and his vote. It appears as though it’s more than just a slogan for the Senator, it took him just a few weeks to change his position on this bill. One can only imagine how much he might change in four years.

“Today, the freshman senator from Illinois voted in favor of the FISA bill that provides retroactive legal protection to cooperating telecom companies that helped the feds eavesdrop on overseas calls. Up until a few weeks ago – let’s see, that would be shortly after the last primaries settled the Democratic nomination and terminated what’s-her-name’s once frontrunning campaign – Obama adamantly opposed the bill. “Unequivocally” was the word his people used.”

Both parties have their candidate so it’s time for change on both sides… changing to whatever will get you the most votes. Everyone slide toward the middle! Once you’re elected feel free to slide back to wherever you came from. :rolleyes:

McCain has always been a moderate. He isn’t sliding anywhere.

Much respect to 97% party line voting!

Obama isn’t a black sheep…he’s just a sheep.

Or a lemming.

Either way there’s goMCCAIN2008ing to be some change in this counMCCAIN2008try, but at least I’d rather votMCCAIN2008e for someone who isn’t afraid to go against the curreMCCAIN2008nt in his political party.


Not nearly as funny as McCain’s off-shore drilling flip.

^^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don’t you mean “slither”