Everybody is so concerned about losing 2nd ammendment rights...

But nobody bats an eye as we lose our 4th…

In a 73-23 vote, the Senate renewed America’s warrantless wiretapping program begun under the George W. Bush administration. And it did so by defeating an amendment from Senator Ron Wyden which would have made FISA more transparent and brought it in line with the Fourth Amendment.

FISA was set to expire at the end of the year, so the rush to renew it lead to some bipartisan fear-mongering from some members of the Senate. Perhaps the only positive was that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) allowed for debate on reasonable, substantive amendments to the bill, though none of them passed. Some members, including Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), didn’t want any debate on amendments that would have enhanced the privacy of Americans or require some transparency from the Obama Administration on how FISA is being used.

While he has supported more oversight and transparency in the past, President Barack Obama will be signing a bill that does nothing to protect or ensure the civil liberties of Americans. They say bipartisanship is dead and that Congress can’t get along with the administration. Well, when it comes to fear-mongering, both parties seem to agree that your privacy doesn’t matter.

To all of those fighting for the 2A, why weren’t you up in arms over this one? Or even talking about it? :Idiots

Because didn’t you know guns are the only thing that matters in the world.

I mean I am all for owning firearms but I am so sick of hearing all the pro-gun and anti-gun idiots crying about it. It’s just getting irritating,yes it sucks but welcome to the new America. Hell if you don’t like it go to another country that has it better. (oh wait…good luck with that)

As for this thread it’s just Congress doing what it does best and that’s moving further and further away from the U.S, Constitution.

Warrantless wire tapping keeps us safe?

Guns keep us… Safe??

Bait and switch

definitely bait and switch YOU BASTARDS.

Is it just me or is Vlad practically blaming pro gun people for this getting renewed? Lol

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the outrage I’ve seen all over the Internet about the possible infringement on 2A, constantly bringing up quotes from forefathers about freedoms and warning of big government yet I see just about nothing on this.

It’s ironic that’s all…

Probably because the 2A infringement is more “out there” and people see it more, so it’s easier to complain about.

But unless you personally did something to try to not get FISA renewed like writing any congress member, you don’t really have much to complain about.

I’m sorry I just don’t happen to believe that writing to the Congressman anymore than asking them to stop a hurricane that’s on the way.

If I wanted to waste my time, I might as well pray on it.

Nobody is complaining here, I’m just not disillusioned about making a difference.

I’m sure our Congressman secretary staff have a very nice shredder though.

Have to say I agree with Vlad here, chances are some secretary reads those letters anyway and then disposes of them. Our Congressman probably never even sees them!

If you say so. If your solution is to do nothing, you’re a part of the problem.

Yes, I’m sure if Congressmen REALLY knew/heard peoples opinion on losing their rights and liberties they wouldnt have passed this bill with overwhelming majority in a time they can’t agree on anything.

Shame nobody told them. I’ll pray next time. In the meantime, my bad all.

You can be as sarcastic as you want, but if you don’t do anything to stop any new laws, acts, etc… then you shouldn’t be complaining about the people that do. Same with voting. Since you choose not to do that, you’re not helping anything at all.

As you yourself has said multiple times in the past: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Sitting back and allowing all of these things to happen just proves ignorance is bliss.

Bringing this up and swaying opinions of dozens of voters that see this thread is much more effective use of my time that letters.

Democracy smarter not harder.


Straight up proof that this govt isn’t for us and never will be in it’s current state. I swear it seems that the only way this fucking country is going to get back on it’s feet it by some highly unlikely act-of-god-outside-force like a fucking alien invasion. Wipe out half the fucking govt and let people start over.

I’m not holding my breath for shit on that one…

Had I known about this going on I would have certainly piped up about it, but unfortunately I don’t have time to go digging around to see what our fucking govt is doing behind closed doors for their own agenda and can only react to what I know/see first hand. FTMFL x 100000

If they take the guns away, we can’t revolt and overthrow when they take all the other rights away. Right now I think they have a healthy fear of us crazy gun owners wanting to keep our fucking American rights. And they will slowly make sure we aren’t in a position to argue anymore.

Just use shovels… you’ll be massacred with or without guns.

  1. They can’t take all the guns away since there is always the black market and anybody who wants a gun can always find one.

  2. You don’t need guns to kill people.

  3. If they take all the other rights away and leave the gun right alone, your guns arent going to help you much, once you are in jail for whatever else…

Vlad has a point, I’ve sent many congressman e-mails. Now if you even a reply it’s a mass e-mail full of BS a PR person odds are typed up.
Shit is down right pointless if you are not a lobbesit with deep pockets they can’t be assed with you…