Everybody is so concerned about losing 2nd ammendment rights...

lmao and you were the guy who said the new phones dont record things.

itd written in clear english. they can listen or watch anyone

or vote for pitman

we will not agree on everything but we will agree on the most important things our rights.

ooo and god isnt real. so if your hoping he saves you join the list of religious people who never get saved.

in this world you are the only one who can save yourself. so start trying.

also anything that comes in between our constitution and us is illegal.

look it up.

we are the only ones who can defend ourselfs. they will not see pitman as most important. they will not see you as important either. they will put themselves first. look at history or the factual part of history

When you’re talking sure maybe.

You are still crazy for thinking they do they do that as they sit in your pocket.

pitman, shift518s consipracy theroist…


any person with hacking skills can gain access to your cell phone the newer it is the easier. they can see everything you do just like the programs they use in schools.

they can watch anything through the cam or hear through the mmic.

if you dont think this can happen your crzy and need to research more before coming to conclusion

if i had one of these near your house i could hear everything [ame]http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1558728/listen_in_on_phone_conversations/[/ame]

and i am just one person

i dont think i am a consipracy theroist… i like to fight for my rights and i am a activist. i study philosphy. i hate when a law is passed removing my rights. so i rant about it everywhere i can.

i want to remove the socialist from america and add some more freedom

You think you sway opinions and therfore possible votes? If so, what is your adjenda… you claim not to have one, but so does the media…''do tell

I thought you’d know my agenda pretty clearly by now. I like to argue :rofl

Ok, now take your head out of your tinfoil hat and realize that one case doesn’t make the rule for all.

RCA WHP141 900MHZ Wireless Stereo Headphones

In the [United States](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States), seven [frequency](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_frequency) bands have been allocated by the [Federal Communications Commission](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Communications_Commission) for uses that include cordless phones. These are:
  • 1.7 MHz (1.64 MHz to 1.78 MHz & up to 5 Channels, AM System)[2]
  • 43–50 MHz (Base: 43.72-46.97 MHz, Handset: 48.76-49.99 MHz, allocated in November 1984 for 10 channels, and later 25 Channels, FM System)
  • 900 MHz (902–928 MHz) (allocated in 1993)
  • 1.9 GHz (1880–1900 MHz) (used for DECT communications outside the U.S.)
  • 1.9 GHz (1920-1930 MHz) (developed in 1993 and allocated U.S. in October 2005, esp. re DECT 6.0)
  • 2.4 GHz (allocated in 1998)
  • 5.8 GHz (allocated in 2003 due to crowding on the 2.4 GHz band).

There is one model of phones which matches the frequency generally used by some wireless headphones.

Even if that is the case…

900 MHz cordless phones are still sold today and have a huge installed base. Features include even shorter antennas, up to 30 auto selecting channels, and higher resistance to interference. Available in three varieties; analog, analog spread spectrum (100Khz bandwidth), digital, and digital spread spectrum, with most being sold today as budget analog models. Analog models are still susceptible to eavesdropping, However, older used models can still be found that are fully capable of receiving this spectrum. Digital variants can still be scanned, but are received as a digital hiss and therefore are difficult to eavesdrop upon

Digital Spread Spectrum (DSS) variants spread their signal over a range of frequencies providing more resistance to signal fade.This technology enabled the digital information to spread in pieces over several frequencies between the receiver and the base, thereby making it almost impossible to eavesdrop on the cordless conversation

Not to mention you have to be in range and the range on these things is terrible.

Seriously - just because you find a video of one dog barking what appears to sound like a word it doesn’t automatically mean that all dogs talk…

Take the guns away from people who work and pay taxes.

Give cellphones with 250mins/250 texts a month to people who don’t work or pay taxes.

Sir vlads theory.