I would even get into the math because most of the people on here are retared.
you dont need B9EVs
a BR9es will do FINE
The ONLY way I’ll give 4 stroke credit would be a trail bike
Other than that, 2 stroke.
I weigh 144lbs and could handle my rm125 fine.
if you weigh 400 lbs maybe you should look into something else besides a bike fatty :toungeout:
I raced a 450 ktm, YZF and was going to race a crf intill it got hungry for a valve for no reason.
and its fun watching KXFs spin there cam gear 180 degrees
anyway I felt I was ALWAYS shifting to find power and get off that FUCKING rev limiter, that thing pisses me off so much
And so whats a rebuild every 2 months?
Really, he/we need to figure out what he is doing with the bike