thoughts on bush and NSA spying?

i think its pretty fucked up he is going above the legal system like that and is hidding behind 9/11 way too much.

IMO this stuff happens all the time, always has, always will.


I don’t do anything wrong where this would hurt me so it doesn’t bother me one bit. Let them catch the assholes planning shit. :tup:

Bush is a douche, but in this circumstance… I agree with him. I don’t know why everyone cares so much about the patriot act and “unlawful spying.” If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have to worry about them bothering you. Everyone is so fucking paranoid.

Exactly… if you aren’t doing anything wrong than you shouldn’t care one bit.

Cricket Communications does it all the time!

:word: They always have and no one complains about that. It’s the same damn thing.

Why should the government has the right to spy on you without a warrant? There is a reason for three branches of government. I have no problem with spying on people as long as it has been letigimately approved in a court. How do you the system isn’t being abused?

yea, lol at least he is being honest and admitting that it is happening. i would be willing to bet this sort of thing has been going on since the 50’s with the commie scare

honestly i dont see it as a problem, they arent going to be spying on some random person, i imagine you would have to do some sort of action to raise a flag in some cross refrencing database they have to get your name on a list of people to be monitered. even still, if you arent doing anything wrong you dont have anytihng to worry about

and if this keeps us safer then it’s worth it

:word: Exactly how everyone else should feel about this.

:tup: to how many people are looking at this the right way.

its still an invasion of privacy. when do you draw the line? when they break out the gatica style retina scanners?

you think thats scary. people need to understand that the shit in movies actually does happen…

thats unpossible :stuck_out_tongue:

the government has technology that movie writers havent even thought of yet

You mean Sydney Bristow really does exist?

:word: Ya right now it might start with not needing a warrent to easedrop to find terrorists, but then why stop there? How about not needing a warrent to search someone’s house? How about then not needing a trial to convict you? You dont take away everything at once, you slowly chip away at it so most people say “oh well that doesnt effect me so i dont care” until its to late.

Seriously, i bet every person on this forum breaks the law, either downloading music, movies, streetracing, etc. You dont think this kind of invasion of privacy will work its way down to catch you?

I dont know if its so much us not liking it or not, but the fact that its going to happen regardless. I mean yeah, we all want our privacy and we’re entitled to it, but if the government wants to find out something, they will. Also I’m sure that some of the governments illegal operations have saved Americans lives before. And it’s not like they’re gonna just flip through the phone book, find your name and come after you. If you’re not a bad person, there shouldn’t be much to worry about IMO. THey have bigger fish to fry. It’s like speeding in buffalo vs. speeding in amherst. The Buffalo cops have other issues to deal with. The government does as well.

I mean, yeah its gonna suck if it gets worse and im not really about letting them make their own rules, but whos going to stop them?

If you think this is so great, post up all your personal emails, bank statements, library records, etc…

Yes, we should all think the same.

Why bother… the government probably has all that shit.