Unofficial tinfoil hat thread.

Rather than clutter other threads I created this one.

First topic, fast forward to 2:10…
:uhh: What?

Interesting as she was assassinated. Go figure, and the guy didn’t even ask about it lol

Who killed her though?
That is the question.

I guess traffic is backed up over a mile in each direction on maple because people are trying to get their free rabbit ears from time warner. What they don’t know is the shadow government is behind channel 4 being taken off time warner and all these free antennas are actually part of a secret government mind control program. When they all tune in at once to watch the bills game everyone in wny is going to have their brains scanned for terrorists thoughts. They will also program you to vote for McCain.

Will you still watch the bills
That is the question.

^I have several sets of the old rabbit ears.:slight_smile:
I didn’t even have cable/dish for over a year.

The new digital requirements are definately so they know your viewing habits.

Next topic: October 14, 2008.

Maybe the markets and dollar value shouldn’t be our top concern right now.:krazyjon:

Bump as to not muddy up other threads.

So are the Tom Cruises of the world right?
Is there a spaceship coming October 14 to “enlighten” us? lol

this thread crashed the database


the govt took it offline so we wouldnt see the truth

I can’t make this stuff up.:biglaugh:

We all know about the New World Order and one government.
We also know current and past world leaders are connected to it secretly.
This is how this stuff gets started…:lol:

I am sure someone could tie all of this together via Kevin Bacon.

Well this didn’t take long…
I did read that Beverly Eckert was sueing and did not accept payment as the others did.


Ah. I had heard that the conspiracy assholes were already onto this.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have a car “accident”. This is insane.:roll:

That is pretty fuckin stupid. People have no respect.

respect what? SHE FILED SUIT for monetary compensation - how much respect can you have for that?

Let alone the whoring herself out at speaking engagements et al, because she was on the phone with a loved one on 9/11/01. srsly?

the tinfol hat shit though, :lol:


^I had the same thought about her trying to cash in on 9/11. :tdown:

So they crashed a plane into a house killing 50 people to avoid a lawsuit. If they wanted her dead they probably would have shown up to her house offed her and nobody would be the wiser.

not to mention that continental was not involved on 9/11