Government suspects conspiracy theory on itself

This is brilliant :rofl

GOP Lawmaker Suggests the Boston Marathon Bombing Was an Inside Job

This is Rep. Stella Tremblay. She is a Republican elected to New Hampshire’s House of Representatives and she believes the government planned the bombing at the Boston Marathon last week that killed three people and injured more than 150 others.

[quote]Just as you said would happen. Top Down, Bottom UP. The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops “terrorist” attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now “terrorist” attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a “wake up” to all of us. First there was a “suspect” then there wasnt. Infowars broke the story and they knew they had been “found out”.
Speaking with the Foster’s Daily Democrat Tuesday, Tremblay confirmed her belief that the Boston Marathon bombing was a government plot, saying: “It was one of my constituents that sent me an email, and it went to a site where a, I think it was a major retired marine was speaking, and then he said, ‘Please go to Infowars,’ and they had pictures of, what is it, black ops? With black backpacks. They show them at the scene, so they knew something was going on.”
[/quote]For somebody that works in the government and has time to come up with this shit instead of using critical thinking, it’s ironic she fails to see how unorganized people and big organizations actually are. :rofl

that shit is rediculous.

now i’m not saying the boston bombings were done by our government, but are you really trying to say that our government wouldn’t be capable of pulling this off?

  • Hiring hundreds of average people
  • All paid “under the table”
  • Paid by other people
  • Those people have to get money from their bosses
  • None of the money is tracked, so all cash
  • Must be a fuckload of money to be given in order to get people to commit to this.
  • Spouses and other family members don’t question the sudden influx of money
  • Nobody does anything stupid with that money out of hundreds of people
  • All of those people need to be “interviewed” to make sure they are fine with killing other Americans
  • None of those people can talk or will ever talk
  • Everybody “executes” their role perfectly without a fuckup
  • There is no clear agenda
  • Obviously they forgot the send the New Hampshire government the memo
  • Government can pull this entire thing off if not for those meddling internet warriors with “definitive proof!$@@”
  • etc etc etc,

Next point is interesting either way. Either you believe the entire media is “in” on the secret, even though they love to hunt for sensational things like they are clearly doing now, and half the media hates the “dictator” who runs the country now…


Government is skillfull enough to execute this entire thing without letting getting any of the thousands of reporters in on the truth and leaving no traces behind to get discovered…

Or two foreign kids put bombs in backpacks and detonated a very public event.

Only one seems at all reasonable, but hey people still believe in Santa Clause and fairies too, whatever floats their boat.

I think when the average person thinks of the more common conspiracy theory they don’t think the people getting killed/wounded are in on it.

For example; Boston Marathon. I think people that believe this is a conspiracy theory are thinking a CIA/special ops team did this as a test/live drill or were told to do so by a top level government official for an unknown agenda or to terrorize the general public. As the saying goes “A society doesn’t function without a common enemy”. Citizens are more easily persuaded to give up rights when something like this happens, such as SWAT teams kicking people out of their houses at gun point while they look for a 19 year old kid. If it was a conspiracy, very few would know about it. There wouldn’t be “paid citizens” getting legs blown off, etc.

Now, I for one don’t believe Boston was a conspiracy. I think it played out exactly as you see it and some have a hard time accepting that. There are events in the past that are highly questionable and some that aren’t.

I’m not talking about the actors in the bombing as thats just moronic, even though there are plenty of people that believe that.

Let’s even go with Seal Team 6 theory or other small, “secret” trained sector of an agency doing this.

More questions.

Are the kids involved on their own and were OK with dying or never seeing light of day again for the sole purpose of American agenda of “more security” and framing another country? Why even run away.

If the kids werent involved then how was the whole thing staged? Then the entire Boston police department, hundreds of people had to be in on the false goose chase of two innocent kids…

Regardless of that, Seal Team 6 is hardly secret so why would a publicly known thing be known.

Lets see in order to have a secret group trained you need…

  • A building where nobody can enter or ask questions.
  • Money that can’t be tracked.
  • Trainers that don’t talk.
  • Familys that don’t ask.
  • Members that don’t talk, don’t write books and publicly don’t admit to being a part of such a thing as killing Bin Laden
  • Agency leader that doesn’t talk
  • Nobody in the government must know about it other than lets say the president - since it would apparently be his sole agenda - but how why would you pass laws if the rest of the government isn’t in on this dooping of the American people
  • all of this for a HOPE of passing someothing? Seems ridiculous to go through all that, blow up American people and American kids for a chance of passing some unclear agenda

le sigh

Area 51.
Department of Defense budget.

It’s a public record under freedom of information act that the CIA has experimented with mind control, although they say they’ve stopped. One CIA agent jumped out of a window after being secretly given acid. So, the chance is there that this could be an inside job as part of brain washing/mind control/let’s see what happens when we______. Hundreds of African Americans in Alabama were injected with STDs years ago as part of medical experiments. I think when people read about these things it makes gears in their head turn where every major event is a conspiracy. For all we know the kid that did Sandy Hook (Adam Lanza) could’ve been on some experimental medication. Anyone who can say otherwise (mom) is dead.

Look up COINTELPRO on Wikipedia if you want to read about some of it. An Albany doctor used to travel to Canada once a week to do some type of human experimentation, so it’s semi local. Kinda interesting.

So… in 50 years we will find out that the government blew it’s people up as well under the Freedom of Information Act?

There is no point of trying to argue or provide any attempt at logic of further questioning to the people that believe this stuff as they will go through mental gymnastics and come up with a reason why they are right and “you just don’t know maaaannnnnn”.

I’ll gladly take on a challenge of turning a Christian into atheist before trying to get into the discussions with the “believers”.

Edit: it’s ironic that you have things you can point out as examples. Why would the government ever release any of their secret projects at all even after 50 years? Seems silly… keep it secret, keep us sheeple under control, don’t let us know anything…

I read when the CIA was moving documents into storage some weren’t destroyed as they were put in the wrong place. So I’m sure anything that’s taking place now will be “destroyed” lol.

I’m sure there are things that go on that very very few people know about. The SR71 Blackbird was developed in the 60’s and 70’s and set records for speed/distance that have yet to be broken today, I’m sure only because the public isn’t made aware of what we have now.

I agree with you though on the conspiracy theorists that can’t back anything up and come up with some wild ideas and stories, and all these actors and media are just story tellers.

Keeping a piece of technology is secret is quite different than organizing murder of innocent civilians of your own country.

We have secrets at my job too that I’m not allowed to discuss.

However if my organization went on a random killing spree, I wouldn’t exactly consider that “ok”.

People who think conspiracies exist never tried to get something registered at a DMV or try to do deal with any other major bureaucracy. People are lazy, and people love to talk.

Unless your life is held ransom. :lol

I saw the photos the rep is talking about, and they say the men work for Craft International. It’s a private security and training firm started by Chris Kyle, the Seal sniper that was killed at the shooting range in TX a couple months ago.

Do you not get it? There probably are no actors, no big pay offs for everyone. It is possible a small part of the government let this happen. The media doesn’t know the truth, the police don’t know, most people don’t know.

Yes I forgot. The secret American killing and injuring division.

Who employs American Muslim kids to execute their plan as Martyrs for little pay.

For the still unknown agenda that is so damn important, it was worth it, yet it hasn’t even shown its face yet.

You’re right.

It’s face is shown all over. It helps the higher ups in the government push their agendas. Control.

What control? One that already exists?

Majority of the population is in debt credit, loans, cars, houses and will be in debt for the rest of their lives. Whatever money is left is spend on buying other things from big business.

Government will be taking money from your paycheck for the rest of your life.

So all your money goes to government and big business leaving you with a small percent of what you’ve earned.

You’re owned already.

Control :lmao

And they tell me that I need to wake up.

I’m talking about our rights. Not everyone has debt, it’s your choice to be in debt.

jesus… u guys gotta stop watching conspiracy videos…

like i said, i’m not saying the boston bombings were done by our government, but to say our government can’t pull it off is just ignorant. i think that the one brother who is alive didn’t really know what was going on and was just influenced by his older brother who he followed and looked up to his whole life. i do find it very interesting that initial reports says that they exchanged fire with him in the boat for up to an hour before capturing him yet last night it comes out that he had no weapon, so the shot to his throat wasn’t a suicide attempt then because he had nothing to do it with.

but lets just forget about the boston bombings for a second and remember that our government has taken over other governments by using guerrilla forces (the original 9/11) to put military dictatorships in place of democracies, our government used crack cocaine to send weapons to countries we weren’t suppose to be supporting at war. our government is capable of this, were not talking about the people at the dmv, were talking about the people at the top of the agencies that are smarter then everyone on this forum combined whos jobs are to not have anyone in their life know who they really are. stop thinking our government is really that dumb, because thats what they want you to think.