Government suspects conspiracy theory on itself

I’ve heard/read stories of millions of dollars in cash being air dropped in the middle of nowhere in foreign countries by US military planes too.

Like I said, not everything is 100% with any government. We torture prisoners of war just like any other country regardless if you believe it or not.

Hundred dolla bills ya’ll!

I think a more realistic “conspiracy theory” would be the government catches wind of a terror plot, they decide it jives well with a certain agenda and simply let the terror plot happen.

What is Pitman’s theory in this matter?

… And you know about all of those things from documentation or websites.

Our government can do whatever the fuck it wants, it’s just not very good at staying secret, especially if you stop ignorantly thinking about it as a single person doing things and consider that it’s a two party system that loves seeing the other side get destroyed and judged over any poor decision.

If something like Bengazi is still in the news and had dozens of hearings of being justified how do you propose this operation slips through?

If you’re not in debt, good for you and you clearly don’t own a house, most of your money still goes to government and business and will continue to do so.

Lets talk majority. Vast majority of people will voluntarily continue to work for the rest of their life, in somebody’s business, spending 40 hours a week, making more money to the business than they cost, and will for the rest of their life keep paying taxes and giving most of whatever money is left to big business.

Big business in turn also pays the government to get proper representation. (Lobby’s)

It’s new age slavery where people are content with what they get in return.

“Control” is already here, like it or not.

What do you propose government wants to do to get more control?? Put us all in jail? In turn losing revenue and actually costing more? Why the fuck would it want to do that.

waaiiitttt… Tupac is ALIVE?!

I believe he said he stated that 5 shots could not drop him and he was in Jamaica sipping daquiri’s.

documentation. btw you are just as bad as people who believe every conspiracy, i’m not talking about elected officials, i’m talking about government agencies who don’t care who you vote for, but you obviously don’t actually read what i have written and take a second to think about it, but you never have. and this isn’t some all or nothing type of thing, yes there is going to be ton of things that get public attention, like bengazi, that doesn’t mean you are going to know about the covert operations that the government does because they are classified. not everything is a conspiracy but not everything is know by the public either. there are people that think that everything is a conspiracy and there are people that think are government is too stupid to ever be able to pull off something that the public wont know about (you). and guess what the people that control the government want it that way (if you read that as politicians your an idiot).

btw, one of the things i mentioned is so well know there is an american dad episode on it

So who are these people that control the government?

No one knows. It’s most likely in a need to know basis. That’s why it’s not public knowledge. If it was national security is easily compromised.

Same situation if you are defense contractor and you are selected to make a titanium whatever for an aircraft. You don’t know what plane it’s for, you don’t know what it does. You make the part. You get paid.

It’s difficult to wrap your mind around how things could and are going on that 98% of the government including the president doesn’t know about but it happens. The wackos that think Aera 51 is where they keep UFOs fail to realize its most likely no more than a secret test/fabrication site for aircraft just like vehicle manufacturers do with cars.

What do you mean “no one knows”? Plenty of people know.

  1. The people involved and behind operation
  2. The people who execute the operation
  3. The people who know the people involved in the operation

Why is everybody mad at the president then if he’s just a pawn?

These damn Illuminati strike again! Internet warriors will never be fooled! They are onto you!!!

so you take everything at face value?

Where do you get that idea?

You look at both sides of the equation and how it would happen.

One will sound more reasonable and realistic than another, logically, economically, motive wise, people wise, finance wise, human nature wise etc.

Terrorist attacks from Chechnyans have been happening forever and Russians have been fighting them for last 2 decades with them taking a movie theater hostage and an airport. Terrorist attacks happen daily all over the world.

American President staging a terrorist attack using other Americans to blow it’s own people in American for a secret agenda does not happen daily.

Yeah… tough choice here. I’ll go with the unicorns on this one.

I see we are taking the ‘blame Obama’ route here.

Well yes, obviously if someone was involved in it with 12 other people they would know there are 12 other people involved. Why do code names exist for government projects?

So there are no such thing as top secret labs? Covert operations? The president single handedly runs the entire US and all military operations as well as top secret R&D on defense programs? The country isn’t micromanaged by one person.

Ok you’re right.

Obama used a super secret agency of US to coerce two American Muslims at the cost of their own lives/freedom, originally from Chechnya to create two very amateur bombs in a Boston marathon.

Brilliantly fooling the entire American population and Media Liberal and Conservative that Muslims are bad and we all have to learn where Chechnya is.

After that the secret agency also wanted the kids to blow up MIT, but they couldn’t stop one MIT police officer from being at the wrong place at the wrong time and him single handedly ruining the second part of the bombing killing even more Americans.

Because everybody knows a single bombing wouldn’t be enough to push the agenda.

Only people not fooled are the brilliant internet people who don’t believe that natural terrorists exist that would want to hurt Americans.

Super secret agency loves to kill any American Obama wants and nobody else in the government knows about it, except the one new Hampshire delegate who’s onto the entire conspiracy by reading Infowars.

You’re right. I agree. I can see it now.

So what now? Why would you want to live in a country where all of this is possible? I’d be getting the fuck out if I were you. Go to Canada or something. This is crazy that the government did it and nobody is the wiser so man I’d run and run fast if I were a true believer.




I never said I believed Boston was a conspiracy, there are “terrorists” and many different types. All I’m giving you are possible examples of somewhat logical situations.

It’s ok to think outside the box with an open mind once in a while, Vlad. Not everything has to be cut and dry.