Unofficial tinfoil hat thread.

THANK YOU. If I hear one more person saying, “her story is so sad” I’m going to punch them in the dick/cunt (gender dependent obviously).

The story about the guy who took the flight to get home early to see his kid… that’s a sad story. The story about a woman who became an activist because the government blocked 9/11 victims from suing the airlines and the builders of the trade centers… fuck her. The fact that her story was one of the major headlines the day of the crash while the other victims were ignored is just another example of the sad state of journalism in the world.


But her life is such a sad story, first her husband now her…so sad…

waiting for JayS to fly through the door and punch me

So I’m afraid the government is actually keeping everyone to a middle to lower class in society as a means of enslaving the human race.

They allow just enough to keep you happy, that is why they allow some people to have a little more then others, but nothing compared to the likes of billionaire families.

They create programs like MTV and Prada to turn society into zombies, but not just regular zombies, handicapped zombies. They then use these handicapped zombies to work and spend all their money on stupid things like chia pets, pet rocks, Ipods, and shit at the mall.

All these stupid products are created at companies owned by millionaires. So really they are just getting their money back and then some.

That is why I think this stimulus deal is just a ploy to get the average person to pay rich people millions of bones.

Also why do people who don’t even pay taxes get a tax break? They don’t pay taxes at all, how much more of a break do they need? Oh negative taxes I get it.

Oh and they know every single person that owns a Buddy Christ. They have both GPS and microphones in them.

The MIAC report.
Rush actually mentioned it and said the Associated Press mentioned it!

Beware Ron Paul supporters, they are coming after us because we are terrorists!!! LOL

This logo definately says violent terrorist. Maybe they missed the word love. LMAO.

What is this? GOP implosion phase two? Battle for furthest right? Ultra whacko fiscal conservatives vs ultra whacko social conservatives?

Throw Limbaugh and Paul in a cage and make them fight to the death. I got $20 on Paul.

No, The Missouri State Police think you might be a threat if you support the US CONSTITUTION(or have a Ron Paul sticker)! Funny but not really.

Read this the other day.

So racial profiling is a no no, but political profiling is perfectly fine :picard:

Although I may disagree with Ron Paul I always felt as though I can trust him. I know exactly where he stands, he speaks his mind and is open to mature debate.

If all the republicans were like Ron Paul the world would be a better place.

of course u can trust him when i read his book foreign policy of freedom, (which is a collection of every single one of his congressional statements since 1976), i noticed that he never ONCE flip flopped on ANYTHING. he hs voted against 99% of government spending and is a strict constitutionalist and he has never swayed from that path ever.

The question is; If you support The US Constitution who are you a threat to, the people that don’t support The Constitution? Who exactly has a problem with that?

I guess what it comes to is what your interpretation of the Constitution is. Since the time of Adam and Jefferson people and their parties have had different interpretations of the Constitution.

Ron Paul supporter detained at airport(See MIAC Report post #25)…

So has anyone had the Feds at their house yet?
They drove all the way up my long driveway and right up to my house to get the GPS coordinates of my house.
Now that they are can monitor TV viewing habits(see hd tv) they can match them with GPS coordinates of home owners. Super!

what? really?

Better switch that fox news over to MSNBC…

they are watching me through my tv

mental note: i should have sex in the living room more often

LOL john

If that actually happened then that’s BS. But I love how you are now worried about the govt spying on you when they have been doing it for years under Bush.

I love how you think it was just the Bush administration spying on you

I have been looking through your bedroom window since the 80’s