Unofficial tinfoil hat thread.

They were at my house taking GPS coordinates last week. Guy came over and told me it was for the census after my dog went nuts and I gave him that, “tell me what you’re doing in my front yard or I’m releasing this 90lb shepherd on you” look.

Like it fucking matters. The government already has my street address which is just as good as GPS coordinates.

Oh look, you can get your exact GPS coordinates right from google maps!

Find your location in google maps, right click on the point where you want coordinates for, and select center map here.

Copy and paste this line into your address bar and press enter:
Copy the decimal coordinates and paste them back into the map search box in google maps. Click search and bwhahahahahah… you have real GPS coordinates.
+42° 30’ 33.75", -78° 41’ 30.66
^ We’re at the end of the 219… we’re coming for you.

The more and more reliant we are on GPS, the easier it is going to be for the aliens to catch us off guard when they invade. All they have to do is wipe out the satellites. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

No doubt! Did GE build those HD antennas?!? lol

Nah, Obama gave the contract to the guys he grew up with at the madrassa in indonesia.

So you are saying the Feds are wasting $700,000,000 doing this the hard way? Not possible, not the Federal govt! lol
Besides google is not even close to being accurate/current.

Google is good enough for me to find your driveway.

For the government brain scanning satellite they need a slightly more precise GPS measurement.

I am safe :tinfoilhat:

Don’t worry ACORN is on the job. I feel much better now, you know if we have martial law or something like that.

“Imagine a crisis is afoot, and martial law is put into place. U.S. troops need to round up particular folks,” he wrote.

dude are you serious with that site? :bloated:
Today’s WND News Highlights

You’ll never guess which states have most jobless

Homosex-fest mocks traditional families

Your chance to ask: Where’s the birth certificate?

New rules: Work 'til you die

Girl Scouts exposed: Lessons in lesbianism

Office Space:

you know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear

this could rank 5 stars

Yeah you are probably right, but I find it funny how he is scared now about spying just because there is a democrat in office.


The fact that that’s been debunked aside, so you wouldn’t have any of the same worries if it was Hilldog in office?

If ANYONE ON THIS PLANET came to my front door to peg my exact location electronically I would not be happy.

(Although it was already done with my permission on a private basis.)

“How Mayor Newsom and Nancy Pelosi can allow this in the city they represent is beyond all understanding,” she said. “It truly seemed like the beginning of the end of civilization.”

haha because they’ll torch the city like they did the last time they disagreed with their government?

This website is groovy.

What’s new?

  1. Can’t even go to Canada without RFID monitoring.(But Mexico boarder is wide open)
  2. Can’t watch TV in the “privacy” of your own home. (See HDTV) The govt wants us to unplug our cell phone chargers but we have to use new antennas that require “plugging in”. Nice
  3. General Motors now could be called Government Motors.

I could go into a long diatribe but I will just say I don’t like where this country is headed… at all.

Number 1 is not true. Number 2 is not true. Number 3, well, OK I’ll give you number 3. :stuck_out_tongue:

new antennas that require plugging in? I’m sure you of all people have a pair of rabbit ears laying around with tin foil wrapped around them.

He means how they’re not doing analog over-the-air broadcasting anymore. You can still get basic analog cable if you’re worried about Obama profiling you for watching the 700 club.