Invisible Empire: A new world order

Free to watch:

Watching it right now.

put on your tin foil hats

is what an ignorant person would say

lol you really are wacky aren’t you?

i anticipate a whole bunch of fail in this thread to come.

for some reason i feel that if i watch it ill end up saying “Can I please have those 2 hours, 14 minutes, and 1 second of my life back?”

I watched it.

I have to say, I enjoyed it. No lie.

I don’t because I think most people are going to just ignore it like I am. People are finally learning to look at the source and simply not keep feeding the trolls. Maybe they’ll prove me wrong though.

^^^ pfff, you’re just angry because everything in the videos are 100% true and you can’t handle it…

wait wat?

“I have no doubt that every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes.” - Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone

Might want to keep bumping this thread Jay :wink:

Oh wait let me turn on the real source news like fox, cnn, nbc, abc. THE TRUSTED source in news.

feeding brain with garbage right now, feeling awesome

Hah george w bush has his own official facebook page now.

Sweet…can they put me in charge of something once they take over?

Meh… I’ve gone to non-publicized meetings for men whose work is directly or indirectly related to control systems just to discuss the state of affairs of our work in an open environment. :tinfoilhat:

Granted, we actually do control the world…

Don’t waste your time listening to anything that is not FCC controlled. You should only listen to what the Fedral Government wants you to hear. Watch Fox News for the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Also, continue the war between right and left while your rights are stripped from you. As long as your side(right or left) wins the next election you can feel the comfort of victory.

Smile and wave boys, smile and wave…

^There you go Ahmed! You’ve got a brother in arms.

Oh shut up and listen to the Main Stream Media like a good little citizen.:slight_smile:

John Stewart is my favorite news anchor. :run: