not chills that you guys closed that thread

I dont understand whats the problem if people are getting Upset then ranting and raving about this new world order thread
why would you close it, yes its not about cars… but this is off topic…

so basically what im tryin to say is

Onyx who do you work for?
bush? obama? cia? who are you protecting

he works for the syndicate

New World Syndicate

lol, I’m protecting our sanity.

We set limited rules to the Network OT section, one of which is no flaming of member countries. And if we see a thread that’s going down that road we’re going to close it before half the forum starts hating the other half. The whole point of these sections are to bring people (car people) together, not to drive them apart.

If you hate the USA, then stick to the non-network & car related forums. If you can’t control your need to try to convince evil americans of their evil ways, we’ll remove your ability to do so. Same goes for US people hating Canadians.

I saw it on the internet and TV, so it must be true!

We are all the same genetically ( for the most part ).

I dont think its just american’s that are evil.

I’m Canadian and I’m against all this new world order crap and all for protecting the earth, but if they were hiring I’d be the first to apply :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone needs to be more open minded.

For the ignoranti’s
Some things are obviously covered up or lied about which is proven later with stacks of evidence yet you still say things like; tinfoil hat , crazy conspiracy theoriest , anti-usa…
But in reality if we all believed what we were told instead of what the evidence shows than purhaps the earth is still flat.

I’m not gunna be like amhed and go all alex jones on you
Just be more open minded and less ignorant …


Yes, please re-open the thread. I want to hear Ahmeds hate talk while he enjoys his freedom of speech that American soldiers granted for him.

Well, here we go again lol. HATETHREADGO

LOL Yeah! Did he forget that we liberated Canada??? :lol:

LOL you guys are all ridiculous!

Pfft Canada would be New Germany if it wasn’t for the Americans.

onyx works for the government, you didnt know?

Mmm schnitzel with cheese curds and gravy…

I love this new thread already.:smiley:

I just want schnitzel with cheese curds and gravy.

Are all Canadians conspiracy theorists?

Mmm schnitzel with cheese curds and gravy while wearing lederhosen & a jean jacket. It would have been a match made in heaven!