ha! i love that show.
ha! i love that show.
^They missed a few things.
check out www.vigilantcitizen.com thats where alll this shiet makes sense … ILLUMINATI … they are monitoring this forum … lol
Deaf, dumb and blind, some people just go on like that.
People laughed and ridiculed RFID chips and the whole concept in itself… and hello… likewise with ID cards, biometric data banks, cctv cameras, etc… stripping of rights, introducing draconian laws, but eh… i guess if you have naked sluts, stupid movies/music/entertainment, junk food and a plethora of other crap that keeps the masses quiet and ‘happy’ its all good in the hood… and people rather be sheeple than people. Strong group mentality and fear mongering ftl.
Fearful loner and crazy conspiracy theories FTW!
common man
would you rather be out protesting or at home on your computer watching tv or playing playstation
I understand where you are coming from
this stuff mind fucks me beyond belief but there isnt enough time in the world.
I dont agree with these groups, these institutions , or the way they treat people or the earth
but our names arent rockafella or anywhere close so we have zero say …
(my new fav smile)
didnt notice that one.
It’s not fear, it’s preparation and education…education that the mainstream media will never fully portrait. I like to see ALL sides before making an informed decision or bias myself, dunno about you all.
Loner…meh. These beliefs seem to be gaining some steam after most/many saw how it felt to watch 40-50% of their net worth evaporate/deflate in a few months time. Oh and now more people see why inflation and go-mint spending is tied at the hip. What we tin foilers call mis-spending of tax payer dollars, mainstream calls stimulus and renewed lending. Yeah this perceived value thing is great…as long as you know when to sell and don’t hold the hot potato too long out of greed. LOL
Conspiracy theories tend to be there to scare not educate. I’m not scared of this information, I just like to know how things work…and how I can profit and/or protect my money and future.
That may seem so, but then who are these single individuals to control or influence billions of people? They are the ones truly who are powerless if people awake from the deception being laid over their eyes. They are only in power for as long as the masses willingly accept to be ignorant or entertained by witless material like movies, music, games, etc… Amusing crowds while they do whatever they want.
Our inability to make physical change in the world doesn’t excuse us from being ignorant or at least in our own circles powerless to change ourselves or those around us.
Certainly some people are weak and cannot stand by themselves and need groups to make them keep going (that’s majority of people), but I rather be alone and have the whole world against me and embrace truth than be ignorant and pass life aimlessly until I die. Most people in history who made a difference or achieved some sort of greatness or left something behind had all odds against them and were most of the time on their own. Most people will only follow if a single individual rises. Most people are too lazy to initiate change whether in speech or action and thus just rather move along at life’s pace like sheeple. People are too concerned with paying bills, being entertained, having sex and having children, putting food in their mouths, than justice, truth, or whatever it may be. And most people definitely rather not be confronted or put down or maligned or slandered. People fear slandering and therefore rather just go with the flow to not be tainted. That’s the reality of it and that’s why so many people chose to not care about issues whatever they may be. Easily manipulated. People like Rockefeller, Kissinger, all the big mofos know that. I mean look at the initial comments in this thread, without even watching people are preprogrammed to slander.
Can you give specific examples of this “truth” that you see that nobody else in the world does, or this “deception” that the masses have laid over their eyes?
Or is it just a vague idea that you cling to in order to feel special without actually doing anything to “be” special?
You seem awfully insistent that you are absolutely powerless. I don’t know a whole lot about Canadian government, but the beauty of the United States republican system of government is that the people hold the power. None of us are powerless, though some of us insist that we are powerless because it’s a lot easier to be a victim (say, a victim to the ignorance of the whole world?) than to shoulder the responsibility of our own life situation.
Single truth?
“Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and could launch an attack within 15 minutes”
No I am kidding, they were smuggled to Iran and Iran is a threat now (some people actually believe this just wow)
Thanks Captain Hindsight.
Captain Hindsight?
Hindsight? So you are saying it was hard to predict the events that took place with Iraq? You failed to see there was any lies? Give me a break. You would only fall for that if you listened and obeyed to western governments and western media alone.
It is plain sight if you have any marbles operating in the upper spheres of your body.
Inconsistency, contradictions, hypocracy, actions speak louder than words its pretty simple to put things together really. FACTS are available, but if you blindly follow bush and company or even mr obama you’ll be hard pressed to see what i see as ‘hindsight bias’.
wow… modern politics defined.
Don’t worry, America Jr. should fair well in the new world.
I watched most of that video and have typed 5 or 6 different replies throughout this thread and did not bother to post them…
Because it’s all drivel that I would have posted in response to something said durring it…
The term new world order is annoying. There is already a new world order…
It’s the world order of, order me a sandwich. We have access to more information now than in any part of human history and to have things made for us by the lowest bidder anywhere on the planet. Like it or not, the middle east has the power to destabilize our global supply chains… Once they run out of oil, they will come around… Till then it could turn into the ground zero gulf at any time.
LOL nevermind, you’re right. You have knowledge that most of the world doesn’t, or maybe a supernatural ability to know things that most of the world doesn’t. Your thoughts really do make you special. Continue to stand alone against the world by insisting that you are helpless in the face of some make believe secret power.
Funny that I have these weird memories of Iraq committing genocide and invading peaceful countries and blowing off UN Resolutions designed to prevent their past actions. Must have been all lies propagated by Bush. While he was general manager of a baseball team.
Well actually I’m not alone. Most people are not brain FRIED to believe what bush or obama types tell them to do. Majority of the world knows the US is full of shit with its’ lies by now. That’s why your reputation is crap.
The world doesn’t hate the US because of its so called ‘freedoms’ but because of its continuing actions.
Your sarcasm also kind of sucks. What you are doing to other countries always bites you in the ass then you blame ‘them’ as freedom hating (lol). The freedom for you to do whatever the hell you want uh huh. Your actions suck.
Heck even now when Turkey put forth a resolution against Israel’s action against the activist and humanitarian boats, who veto’d it? The US. ALWAYS the US. 60+ UN resolutions veto’d by the US to support Israel’s actions.
Your actions are what speak louder than words. People are not dumb.
My naked sluts thing went off…FAIL