Meh, there are nicer theories, conspiracally speaking, but that is pretty badass. I would like to be a new world order some day.
I can’t stop watching this .gif
I don’t know man. I’ve been all over the world and haven’t encountered much US hate. Disagreement, yes. Hate, not so much. I also can’t think of a single person, group, or country that hates freedom.
I think your information sources of choice may be just as wacky as my information sources of choice.
See: Taliban and their incredibly strict interpretation of Sharia law.
I blame religion.
Weird, same here, and I experienced quite the opposite. I guess they weren’t honest with you being american. No one hates you personally or individually until you say things that resonate actions or do actions of what your government and military and corporations do around the world.
Clearly Iraqis loved your freedom bombs dropped on their weak and inferior country.
Btw people don’t just sit around in a circle ‘hating on the US’ and discussing how to hate the US. Most people start talking about US actions when politics and news are mentioned, history, past actions, current actions, current events, etc…
Pretty sure Fry hasn’t been to Iraq. And I would hardly consider the opinions of a country were are at war with a real good indicator of world views.
So you’re saying that Americans are safe as long as we don’t spill oil all over the place, blow up buildings and lie while we are on vacation?
Lol, k.
And lack of education.(I do not count religious education as education) The number of patent applications that come out of the middle east is mind boggling… Somewhere in the hundreds per year…
lol speaking of the oil spill. If it was any other country, obama would put sanctions on them and wave his finger at how naughty and bad that country is.
That’s another thing that sucks, double standards. Turn a blind eye on issues and exagerate other issues. Whether positive or negative.
The US is the #1 arms dealer in the world and the #1 warmongerer and the #1 when it comes to amount of military bases around the world.
Imagine if Saddam wanted to establish a military base in the US or Britain? Yet the US has bases all over.
I’m pretty sure that if they would stop bickering over religon and start manufacturing stuff for the empire, we could arrange the meeting?
Hmm…yeah good thing British Petroleum isn’t incorporated in another country or anything.
I was going to say the same thing… This is BRITISH Petroleum’s issue, not The United States Of America’s issue.
We should all move to Canada.
British Petroleum is the company responsible for the oil spill FYI. and
I’m not an Obama supporter btw
U.S. does not = Saddam
It’s on our soil and it’s killing our environment. I’d say it’s OUR issue and we should take the rig over and do what needs to be done. We take over Iraq and Afghanistan but we can’t take over something on our homeland?
Yeah but the US shot the rig with a submarine so that they can use this as an excuse to avoid drilling for our own oil and continue our imperialistic practices in the middle east and if you can’t see that then you are blind sheeple who spend too much time watching porn and listening to western media you infidel pigdogs lalalalalalalallalala BOOM!
Sorry to get frustrated but the irrational thought processes that leads to ignorant hate of the United States is downright comical. Sorry if you think George fucking W Bush is an evil political mastermind who brainwashed an entire 300 million person republic into thinking there are WMD’s in Iraq, but the truth of the matter is we ousted Saddam because Iraq had been out of compliance with UN Resolution 687 for years so we had good cause to believe that they were a threat and no way to verify it since they hadn’t let in any UN inspectors in 4 fucking years and after 9/11 we were hurt and scared weren’t about to take any more shit from potential threats to our own security. The only reason that it wasn’t a UN operation is because France threatened the same veto power you bitch about us using in support of Israel to block the UN from enforcing its own resolutions against a proven hostile, violent, and aggressive regime. But like I said, we had just been attacked and weren’t about to sit back and watch more threats develope. In hindsight it was probably a mistake, but at the time we chose not to take any chances since all delusions about being invincible had so recently been shattered. That’s what fucking happened. You can believe all the made up unsubstantiated bullshit you want but that’s what fucking happened.
And if you want to get into why we have military bases all over the world lets not forget that it’s because back in '45 the whole world was at war and WE WON motherfucker, and then descended into a military chess match with the only other superpower on the planet and guess what WE WON AGAIN! When you live through a threat to your existence as serious as WWII or the cold war you don’t just pack up and go home and hope the same shit doesn’t pop up again. You stick around to make sure that things stay stable. Once again, sorry but that’s what happened. It’s not like this is ancient history. Many of our grandparents are still around to tell you what they saw. Many of us still remember what happened from 1991 to 2003. Are we aggressive in protecting ourselves? Fuckin A right we are. Are we an evil empire controlled by lies and deceipt and secret societies controlling the top levels of government? You missed a dose of xanax if you can suspend reason and logical historical analysis long enough to believe that.
Who wants to create a documentary about this and see how many people we can get to believe it? sounds like there’s some money to be had in these documentaries too, or at least a living to be made.
He’s trying to sidetrack, turn the other eye, blame someone else, not take responsibility even though its US turf. Typical US politics
What TradersBASE said is well said.
Your double standards are the biggest downfall of popularity even when you try really really hard to defend the US’ reputation.
Im so sick of you Canadians ripping into our military and our soldiers. Do you understand that if Canada wasn’t connected to the USA, that you would be a poor 3 world country, or at least have a standard of living much lower than you have now? You reap the benefits of being an ally to the worlds superpower then talk shit about it daily. Go fuck yourselves.