United States and Terrorism

Our government is so against terrorists and how they kill to make a point. What people dont see and understand is the the USA is a terrorist nation too. How can the president go on television and argue that we are a democracy…and we have so many scandals including this.


He should stick to building houses for poor people.

I’d be willing to bet that the only thing Bush has done that past presidents haven’t is get caught endorsing it in writing.

The American colonists were terrorists too as far as the British were concerned.

I tell you what, those Black Water folks over in Iraq shouldn’t be there. They are fucking terrorists especially since they don’t have to follow any US Military regulations.

I agree with you on Black Water. They are hired guns with a license to kill and ask questions later.

You know im not for the current situation over here. But groups like Blackwater are needed for situations that i cant (and dont feel like)explaining. If it werent for civilian contractors that saved my squads ass a few months back im sure more then just two of my guys would have left us that day. Blackwater itself is being used as a scapegoat to keep attention off of the other(much larger and more corrupt) contractors.

ugghhh… can’t wait for 08

so sick of catty politics. 99% of the leaders of this country remind me of HS girls

I will take your word for it since you would know about it than I.

Just more liberal blah blah blah bush is evil blah blah.

Do some research on what Clinton did when he was in office.

No one is pointing fingers at any particular individual that is in office. The point is, the U.S. is sooooo fucking against dictators and terrorist, our citizens are brain washed into thinking we are always the ones being attacked for no apparent reason. The facts are, our foreign policies need to be revisited. We support nations that are evil and nations that harbor terrorism because those nations have shit we want…oil maybe? We as a country are more of a terrorist nation than t6he ones made out tom be on CNN and other news channels.

Its all about perspective.

Im not sure about Blackwater but when people condemning them actually wind up in a firefight then they can talk. How do you surgically pick out targets in a chaos firefight where the enemy is hiding among and dressed like civilians? You dont if you want to live. Pussies everywhere can talk all kinds of shit while sitting on their fat asses on the couch.

I think Iraq and its complex dynamics is one of the most difficult battle grounds in history. People with no experience or perspective on the matter have no right to judge.

If a AK47 is firing at me from behind 3 women I am going to kill the women and the gunman behind them… and I wont give a fuck about anything politicians, civilian bitches, or anyone else that was not there has to say about it.

you guys prance around with your noses high in the air, thinking you know how the world works. Its real easy to think that from a computer chair in the safe country created for you. Step back for a second and think. Yea we overlook things for some oil, do you fuckin wana, or can you even pay for $20 a gallon gasoline. Do you think that if we use all of OUR stocks up, that methanol, will save us, no fucking way without buring coal or going to atomic power ASAP. Have any of you who knock blackwater ever see what they do, or why we need them, no. Not one person on this planet has a “license to kill” every shot that we take as americans has to be justified, and if not, you go to jail. Those blackwater folks are not under miltiary law, they are under the same laws you live under, US law. And they use those guns for one reason, self preservation. Get a fuckin clue, that your 20+ some odd years in WNY hasn’t made anyone here, me included a master of world politics and military action. Keep reading CNN, and all the other news. You bitch about being given lies, then look to a company that makes money off of just that most of the time. but hey, 08 will fix everything. We might even get lucky and get Hilary. Yea, she with the help of Obama will toatlly fix the world.

Uh, I don’t remember Clinton ever starting a war for oil and then killing tens of thousands of Iraqi and thousands of US troops…

This administration has fucked so many pooches, it’s unfathomable…

huh? what kinda crack are you on? 9/11 ring a bell? the twin towers and the pentagon i don’t call that without reason!

Please tell me how the Iraqi’s were gonna bomb our country and how were weren’t safe before. Please explain how Iraq is responsible for 9/11. Please tell me how we are making that country SO much better than it was before. Hiding behind “liberation from an evil dictator” when you are really going in to steal oil (and what a wonderful job they did doing that, price of oil has never been higher in addition to the folks at Exxon Mobil for their part). I am sure if we had not gone into Iraq to steal oil, the price of gasoline would be $20 a gallon. :roll2: You want perspective, talk to the vets on this site like Freek, Cougarspeed and 87FOXGT. They will tell you what it’s really like.

Do you people know why the Iraqi people are shooting as the US soldiers?? BECAUSE WE ARE IMPERIALIZING THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY


Uh, Al Qaida brought down the WTC, not Iraq or are you not a thinking person?

Apparently you dont remember the dozens of cruise missile strikes Clinton sent to Iraq…


Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe it IS the citizens who are shooting at the troops because THEY DON’T WANT US THERE?

and witf (where in the fuck) do u think they, Al Qaida, are in Iraq people. just so you know…no now they are running for their live away form iraq! thanks for playing!