United States and Terrorism


and witf (where in the fuck) do u think they, Al Qaida, are in Iraq people. just so you know…no now they are running for their live away form iraq! thanks for playing!


inspired by BikerFry

I think it’s time for your nap.



Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe it IS the citizens who are shooting at the troops because THEY DON’T WANT US THERE?


LOL :banghead: OK! What would you do then? Let them KILL you and your team or defend yourself?


LOL :banghead: OK! What would you do then? Let them KILL you and your team or defend yourself?


How about leaving their country? I am all for the troops doing what they have to do to to save their own lives. Their own government put them in harms way without giving them the equipment (up until recently) necessary for survival. The problem I have is that you can’t shoot to victory in Iraq. Those people will wait you out for the rest of their lives and they will rebel until the US leaves.

Don’t get me wrong, the troops are great. Anyone who doesn’t support the troops should be deported to Russia or North Korea. I am so pissed at those stupid car magnets that say, “Support the Troops”. No shit, that goes without saying. Why were they even made? Because it’s a way of saying “Support the War” without being like Toby Keith.


huh? what kinda crack are you on? 9/11 ring a bell? the twin towers and the pentagon i don’t call that without reason!


Crack? no…oh yeah, I forgot how Saddam brought down the towers and we spent hundreds of billions taking him down…oh…and now we are thinking about invading Iran too…here goes another few hundred billion


How many people running their yaks in this thread have actually

a) been in actual combat, with bullets and/or RPGs flying

b) Have been anywhere in the world that was not a vacation spot secluded from reality

How many people here have actually seen foreign policy abroad? And I’m not talking about watching Fox News and CNN talking heads either. How many people understand the underhanded bullshit that the US has to deal with, and then shape their foreign policy with?


How about leaving their country? I am all for the troops doing what they have to do to to save their own lives. Their own government put them in harms way without giving them the equipment (up until recently) necessary for survival. The problem I have is that you can’t shoot to victory in Iraq. Those people will wait you out for the rest of their lives and they will rebel until the US leaves.


The entire argument was concerning Blackwater and the issue of killing civilians in defense. You are off base and just rambling.

Soldiers do not have the option of walking away from a RPG / gunfire ambush.


Please tell me how we are making that country SO much better than it was before. Hiding behind “liberation from an evil dictator” when you are really going in to steal oil (and what a wonderful job they did doing that, price of oil has never been higher in addition to the folks at Exxon Mobil for their part).


I think you just shot down your own theory. If we were there for the oil we’d be pumping it out 24/7 and be paying $10 a barrel right now. Instead we’re trying like hell to prop up their government so they can use their oil to support themselves. But it’s ok, “we went in for the oil” makes such a great democrat sound byte and the liberal news has no problem repeating it over and over.

We went in because we (both Tastycrats, Fingerlicans, and other world leaders) thought there was a credible threat. Even the liberal hero Billy Bob Clinton was on CNN prior to the war saying something along the lines of, “We knew they had WMD’s before the first gulf war, we have no proof they got rid of them, and when we would try to get proof they wouldn’t cooperate”.

But whatever, like N20Junkie said, sit there on your couch in Williamsville and tell the people on the ground over there all about your infinite wisdom gained watching CNN and reading the New York Times.

PS… I’m 100% for pulling everyone out tomorrow. I made up my mind when I saw that the Iraqi government took a summer recess “because it’s too hot to work”. Out kids are over there fighting and dying for them, and they can’t stand to sit in a non air conditioned office. Yeah, fuck them all, let the country fall into complete chaos and in Gulf War III hopefully we’ll have reached the point where we just have to send in the robots and UAV’s. Or better yet, drop a small tactical nuke on a city like Falujah and let them know if they want to die for Allah we’ll glady arrange the meeting.

drop a small tactical nuke on a city like Falujah and let them know if they want to die for Allah we’ll glady arrange the meeting.

Motherfucking word


But whatever, like N20Junkie said, sit there on your couch in Williamsville and tell the people on the ground over there all about your infinite wisdom gained watching CNN and reading the New York Times.


Yes, Haliburton, that humanitarian NPO is helping the Iraqis get themselves settled. There is no back-door shinanigans going on there…

This whole war was perfect and anyone speaking out against it is flat wrong because they are couch riders. :roll2: Perfectly planned, perfectly executed, Mission Accomplished!!

i dont wanna start anything. but there is nothing we can do at this point. we cant tell any terrorists to leave anywhere its a lost cause. all we can do is hope that when bush is out of office we can swing things around. but still we cant change what other nations are doing. we should worry about our own domestic problems.

i enjoy not worrying or arguing about shit i have absolutely no control over.

maybe you all should try the same, or maybe just join the service if it really means that much to you. arguing about it on the internet isnt going to solve any of these problems.

im going to get another vodka tonic, anyone want one?


i enjoy not worrying or arguing about shit i have absolutely no control over.

maybe you all should try the same, or maybe just join the service if it really means that much to you. arguing about it on the internet isnt going to solve any of these problems.

im going to get another vodka tonic, anyone want one?


exactly what im sayin.

oh and i’ll take 2 please.


I think you just shot down your own theory. If we were there for the oil we’d be pumping it out 24/7 and be paying $10 a barrel right now. Instead we’re trying like hell to prop up their government so they can use their oil to support themselves. But it’s ok, “we went in for the oil” makes such a great democrat sound byte and the liberal news has no problem repeating it over and over.

We went in because we (both Tastycrats, Fingerlicans, and other world leaders) thought there was a credible threat. Even the liberal hero Billy Bob Clinton was on CNN prior to the war saying something along the lines of, “We knew they had WMD’s before the first gulf war, we have no proof they got rid of them, and when we would try to get proof they wouldn’t cooperate”.

But whatever, like N20Junkie said, sit there on your couch in Williamsville and tell the people on the ground over there all about your infinite wisdom gained watching CNN and reading the New York Times.

PS… I’m 100% for pulling everyone out tomorrow. I made up my mind when I saw that the Iraqi government took a summer recess “because it’s too hot to work”. Out kids are over there fighting and dying for them, and they can’t stand to sit in a non air conditioned office. Yeah, fuck them all, let the country fall into complete chaos and in Gulf War III hopefully we’ll have reached the point where we just have to send in the robots and UAV’s. Or better yet, drop a small tactical nuke on a city like Falujah and let them know if they want to die for Allah we’ll glady arrange the meeting.


You do realize that I can’t be seen agreeing with you, so try to make your arguments a bit more leftistand irrational please. Thanks :tup:


exactly what im sayin.

oh and i’ll take 2 please.


good call… i wish it was gin, my friends left a bottle of kettel one in the freezer and you can only guess what happens when im bored and have nothing to do at night/thenextmorning…

man i really wish this was gin. some millers would be clutch. or maybe even if it was tanquray. meh, i’ll kill this last one and then move onto some cold budweisers i have sitting in the fridge. or maybe some octoberfest… nah too heavy. budweiser it is.

i should really start smoking weed again. i think im going to buy a bag tomorrow.


good call… i wish it was gin, my friends left a bottle of kettel one in the freezer and you can only guess what happens when im bored and have nothing to do at night/thenextmorning…

man i really wish this was gin. some millers would be clutch. or maybe even if it was tanquray. meh, i’ll kill this last one and then move onto some cold budweisers i have sitting in the fridge. or maybe some octoberfest… nah too heavy. budweiser it is.

i should really start smoking weed again. i think im going to buy a bag tomorrow.


fuck weed.

:tup: to budweiser.

a) Not actually been in combat… but I’m 400 miles from Baghdad, its 99% sunni here so there isn’t much of a threat to the US, just having to be worried about the Kurdish rebel groups that hate the country. And in recent news, they started to shell northern Iraq (where the Kurds are) so I could see a little bit more action in the next coming days

b) The US, regardless of all the bitching, is by far the best place to live. If I get off base tonight or tomorrow I’ll snap some pictures.

And seriously, the media is nothing to believe, these people have pretty terrible lives over here, and If i could do anything to help I would and kind of Am right now lol



How many people running their yaks in this thread have actually

a) been in actual combat, with bullets and/or RPGs flying

b) Have been anywhere in the world that was not a vacation spot secluded from reality

How many people here have actually seen foreign policy abroad? And I’m not talking about watching Fox News and CNN talking heads either. How many people understand the underhanded bullshit that the US has to deal with, and then shape their foreign policy with?




How many people running their yaks in this thread have actually

a) been in actual combat, with bullets and/or RPGs flying

b) Have been anywhere in the world that was not a vacation spot secluded from reality

How many people here have actually seen foreign policy abroad? And I’m not talking about watching Fox News and CNN talking heads either. How many people understand the underhanded bullshit that the US has to deal with, and then shape their foreign policy with?


I’ve been in the military 10 years, fought this war for 2 of them, and an back over the pond as we speak doing my 3rd trip.

my second over this pond… was over the other one last year lol


Yes, Haliburton, that humanitarian NPO is helping the Iraqis get themselves settled. There is no back-door shinanigans going on there…

This whole war was perfect and anyone speaking out against it is flat wrong because they are couch riders. :roll2: Perfectly planned, perfectly executed, Mission Accomplished!!


When did I say it was managed well? You have every right to criticize because history is going to show that tactically we really fucked this one up starting right about an hour after we took Baghdad. Just don’t keep spouting your demofart sound byte of “It was all about oil”.

The other thing I think history is going to show us, and I know this isn’t PC to say, but basically that entire region is full of animals. You can’t have peace with democracy there because all they want to do is kill each other. Basically you need a Saddam who is completely on one side of the fight and willing to kill 1000’s if they so much as stick their head out of the sand. Our biggest mistake was thinking these animals were somehow going to start solving their issues through voting and debate if we removed their dictator.

But don’t worry, if after 2008 Hillary or one of the other idiots who thinks diplomacy is the answer in Iraq is in charge history will get to record an even bigger mistake.

seems like a pretty ignorant thing to say. Imagine 20 groups roughly around the same, with extreme ideals from each other. Now strip away the government from a piece of land, and try to form a new government with all these groups. Chaos…

I really don’t understand how you can consider them animals either, yes some are relatively uneducated. They all have their ideas and want them to be apart of this new government.

Did the US know it was going to be such a cluster fuck? I doubt it, I’m sure they knew something wasn’t going to be right, but never did they know that we would be there that long.

Think of it this way. My Strong idea is that I want pornography and LOTS OF IT. Now you want nothing to do with pornography since it is completely inappropriate. Well this government starts forming and you get your no pornography clause into this new “Bill of rights”. Well I’m fucked unless I do something about it so I can have my spank material.

I could speak up and voice my opinion, or I could use violent means to let people know that I am here and My pornography needs to be allowed.

Yes for the most part the middle eastern people need to be told what to do, and not make their own decisions.

The whole “For the Oil” crap, the US knew the UN would never let us have the country, and we would have to form something. As you have seen our gas prices have been rising too, which I feel is a great idea, look at all the new alternates we have now.

And in response to the OP, I’m all for the Geneva Conventions, but if you have a Prize Individual in your jail, and you want some info from him to stop lots of deaths in the future… I’m more than willing to turn my head and pretend nothing happened.