This is being organized and is seeing more and more support by the hour. APD is backing the rally and is in support of our rights, so they’re going to be there to help.
Who here will go? Who is willing to give up some hours to fight for the rights that have been disregarded so easily the past couple days? I for one am going.
Good luck guys, I have protested more than a few things. It’s a good time, sticking up for what you believe in. Meet some good people. Stay away from the people with the racist Obama or misspelled signs or you’ll end up in an Internet meme.
Sadly we are left no other peaceful option. Our voice needs to be heard and IMO it wasn’t warranted over a dicks boycott but is totally warranted now. And I don’t know what you mean by “good luck guys”, whether you choose to exercise them or not your rights are at stake here as well. That is never something to be OK with. I suggest you join us.
Also i will be dressing up for the event. I encourage everyone on this forum who believes in the constitution and the freedom of this great nation to join us.
You guys should all meet somewhere outside of albany like crossgates or something and CDTA into albany way easier than trying to find parking and cheaper than paying for a garage. Plus you can all get there together.
This is only one of the rights people are willing to give away all too easily. This isn’t just about guns either because I’m pissed about how this all came to be. Glad to see some people actually taking steps to protect something they care about.
That’s exactly it. People are all “oh well i don’t own a gun it doesn’t effect me” and that’s just not the case. You might not exercise your right to own a gun, but don’t infringe my rights to do so.
Secondly yesterdays sneaky, underhanded, and illegal events that got the law passed are a violation of your rights. What if it was the first amendment?
The people in power in this state, are so deeply rooted in how they came to power, there is no chance of them being fired. Everyone in the state knows someone else, and that’s the basic reason they are even employed. Even pee-ons like us are hired on from knowing someone on the inside. Its hard to hire anyone out of the blue into a state job, even contractors have politically tied contracts behind them. The connections the people higher up have are unfathomable for ave joes like us to grasp. A majority of the people making decisions for you and I are sitting in office full of self important SELF APPOINTED office chairs. They are there to put a name to an action, and could careless what the outcome really is for anyone else. Its called “I make XXX an Initiative, 6 months from now if I carry it out I was successful. Then it goes on my yearly review”. Example, my agency wants to decom some physical servers and move them to virtuals. Sure it saves money on hardware, but the virtual servers run like such shit and they know it. “We will just add virtuals when we hit bottle necks later on” < another “initiative!”. So basically they know it will make hell for admins and users, shit will run worse and eventually cost more expense and wasted time/effort. They straight up don’t care. Getting back to how they even are in a position to make dumb fucking moves like that…. there are people in my agency that made the position they wanted to hold, then moved right into the seat. Simple as that. You think that guys going to get fired?
Everyone of power here has one hand in their pants holding their wallet, and the other hand is holding the persons hand next to them.
And it has nothing to do about not caring to do anything against the bullshit they see every day. The people that see it and want to change it have next to ZERO chance at doing anything about it. The only people that CAN change it, are the people who did it in the first place and cant accept mistakes so they wont change it. Happens like you said EVERY day here, small beans stuff like I see to big problems like this issue we dont see till its too late.
Back to the gun rights and legalities of the way they passed the bill during one night… They don’t care. EVEN if it was somehow illegal, you can bet your ass state lawyers were working that night and probably still working on the “right” way to sneak it right back in later on if it gets repealed. It’s the typical way we do everything here. “It’s probably not right and won’t work long term, but we will do it anyway to buy us time to figure out the right way.”
Maybe I just dont know the game plan enough? Start to finish, how are people like us going to make a change? As in what actions we can do, will make someone of power throw their hands up and say “yep you guys win, ill brb and go fix this”.
The point of the protest is to stand for what you believe in, because you can, just like people vote, the person you vote for may not win, but you still vote right? It’s a right, and it seems these days we are losing one after the other.
I can stand at the bank of the river and wait around with my hands in my pockets too, but the fish arent going to just jump out and say FRY ME!
Protesting the way you explained it will only make those participating feel better about their actions. MAYYYYBE someone that has a direct chance at making a change you are all after will feel warm inside from the thousands of people protesting and do something about it. So protesting is an indirect way of making something happen?