I just wish more people got together with an actual plan of attack and stuck to it start to finish. Like a general leading troops into an invasion. They have actions to take, that will have reactions. Cause and effect. That’s what I am talking about.
I am saying something like obediently trap the governor in his office. If you get a few thousand people to stand hand in hand at the doors, row after row. Dude tries to leave, and cant. Police come. First 10 people are told to move, dont move or say anything, they get arrested for disorderly conduct or something. Next row moves forward. They get arrested. Next row… There arent enough Police, squad cars, hell even busses and crates of handcuffs to cuff and take people away, bring them in, book them and send them on their way for that to happen if thousands of people stood up and did that. And how the hell do you think 10000 people will go through the court systems! hahahahah Talk about alot of pissed off judges, clerks, DA’s, working some serious overtime.
If nobody got out of line, just turned around and took the arest silently and civil, it would be HUGE.
My youngest overheard me talking to my uncle about this and first thing my son said was Noone is taking my gun …firearms are the one thing everyone in my family enjoys doing and I’m not sending any of mine away .
Protesting the government right now is probably going to accomplish dick… Too Powerful, and KK raises a valid point. I suppose if it was something that over 70-80% of people actually turned out for it may be another story. People are way too disorganized, and once again, worried about themselves. I believe the only way this is going to change is if there is a drastic change in the way people act and a drastic change in the current government.
I was going to say that. The First Amendment has been infringed upon time and time again. MANY laws are created as exceptions to a particular “right”. Why do we care so much about this particular “right” and let others go?
FISA was renewed… that’s something we should be outraged about as well, but no one cares. :lol
And to be clear, I think this law is a piece of shit. It’s poorly constructed, has no common sense and was shotgunned through as an emergency. If the real goal was for this state to be safer, they would do MORE about the mental health side of things and less about this “assault weapon” shit and “7 round limit”.
Agree 100%. Although the secure gun storage and first responder aspects of the bill aren’t bad.
7 rounds is completely asinine.
There ARE problems with the gun culture in this country, but telling everyone they can only shoot seven times before reloading isn’t going to solve them, and nor is banning guns that might “look scary” despite being functionally no different than any other semi-auto rifle.
And for the love of god, if there are people ranting about how the president is a muslim, do not let them get near a news camera. This entire legislation was passed because people are scared shitless after a shocking string of shootings in the last year. What needs to happen to get any traction with society as a whole is to come off as articulate, sane, well-adjusted members of society. Anything that can be used to portray your cause as a bunch of fringe crazies WILL be used to do so. You probably don’t want to be grouped in with them, but this is the shit the people fighting for drug reform have to deal with. Find the most unflattering attendees at a rally/event, show them, and it colors the whole movement.
Don’t be racist. Don’t be homophobic. Spellcheck your signs. Don’t claim the president was a muslim or not born in the US. Avoid all of that, and discourage others in attendance from doing so, and its less likely you are going to be dismissed.
THANK YOU gearhead, for understanding my point and not jumping on the TLDR, KK’s a fucking lazy idiot bandwagon.
Harness the only UNDISPUTABLE power we as people have, power in numbers. No laws, amendments or corruptions will even take that away. I will put all the money in my name on the idea that the only real fear any of this government has is being shut down in some way by the sheer number of outraged people that take REAL action.
Stupid example but its real and proven. Look at the Section 518 guys, and the giant rides other groups like them setup and SHUT DOWN highways. EVEN if the police are brought in, they are and they know they are, 98% helpless in stopping the ride. Look at the shit show from the ROC last year, search it on youtube. They actually arrested 2 people because they went down, and maybe a few others. EVERYONE else, did whatever the hell they wanted to. Stunted, wheelies, burnouts… but nothing that reckless really.
Apply that to the issue at hand and something HAS to happen.
damn i might be able to meet some of you guys. i usually attend all the occupy events and alot of other protest…now you guys will be side by side fighting with each other.
i wish you were more concerned with the other things that effect your love ones lives. but this is a good start. these big wigs take our rights all the time. now its time to take them back
There was nothing “illegal” about how the bill was passed, and nothing about the process was any different than how they passed Tier VI last year or the state budget three years ago or the middle class tax cuts two years ago and so on. You simply just happened to notice it this time because it’s an issue you care about.
i understand some is good but the majority of that bill is weird. they want my gun but not theirs? they want to sterotype a gun because its black or looks like a assulat rifle. they want to make defending myself harder? whats next taking my shoes and car?
if everything goes right i will be a lawyer to protect these rights in the next 5 years…i do find it kind of odd though that nobody cars unless they are getting restrictions put on their guns, we can restrict free speach, protesting, habeaus corpus, etc, etc, etc but people only make a big deal about guns.
and then i saw someone on facebook post that we should be able to vote on these things and i just almost smashed my head against the wall, the election just happened.
incorrect. the bill itself is illegal as it directly violates federal law on the tracking of ammunition purchases. therefore making the process used to pass it illegal.