changing things up

We are changing things up and still adding team members. We would like to welcome John with his 2004 Honda Accord, and Luke with his 2001 Golf. Also we are still offering custom wheel painting and if you needed help with installs or help with idea feel free to contact Brian or myself. You can get phone numbers and emails off of our web page that will be changing again within the next few months. Since the team is changing we are also going to be changing the site a bit. We are always looking for new members and sponsors. If you are interested in being apart of the team or looking to be a Sponsor shoot us an email or send me a PM.

Also if you are interested in being a team supporter shoot us an email or PM.

Ted Huban
C3 Autoworks
Team VP, Marketer

checked your site. looks nice man. sounds like ya got some big things in the works. might hit ya up for some paint next year.

do u guys clean up old aluminum wheels amd polish them also? ;D

come on man hook me up with that touch screen…ill give you mine plus 300

whose this cat with the 01 golf?

a guy brian knows i met him once at advanced havent seen the car yet though

would have to see them frist before i can tell you if they can be done or not

500 on the screen like i said its almost new rearly ever used

free manga :excited

aka cartoon porn

youre thinking hentai

军事北约的地位下降,让法国看到了新的希望,那就是通过领导欧盟的一体化,来建立欧洲快速反应部队,试图建立和军事北约平行的欧盟军事架构,并在上世纪90年代建立了法-德旅,这样便既有政治领导权,也有军事指挥权。但是美英发动伊拉克战争后,欧盟内部的分裂让法国的愿望越显渺茫,尤其是英国对“欧洲军队”的组建并不热心。 萨科齐上台后,美国对欧洲态度发生变化,一方面美国做出妥协,同意法国军人出任军事北约高级指挥,对欧洲军队的成长“乐观其成”。另一方面,法国也深刻体察到在全球化时代加入每一个国际组织,都是外交资源,重返军事北约不会承担太多军事义务,但在外交上却多了一份力量,可以强化“体制内”的发言权和拍板权,在政治和军事上都能更完整地充当“欧洲代言人”的角色。萨科齐抓住美国军事影响力微降之机,重返军事北约,不仅能和美国和好,法国也多了一个外交资源。香港六合彩 香港六合彩 香港六合彩 香港六合彩 香港六合彩 http://www.abc199100.hl.cn


Luke’s golf got into C3? Oh mai.

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