Chappelle on Oprah

Did anybody watch this? wondering if he explained his disappearance and everything

Bad day.

i watched it…i hope he comes back

That’s cool that he wants to give money to charity. $50 million is a ton of cash.

Hopefully he comes back, but is funny when he does.

People are allowed to live their lives and actally have some fun for themselves instead of just serving everyne else

That kind of debunks the conspiracy theory that was posted on here a month back or so…

yeah, i was just thinking that

I thought he was on to try and get oprah nekked in the green room so he could really have her baby.

Hey baby…baby…Can I have a happy ending?

She didnt say no! :lol:

i head about this on the raido this am… i hope he comes backk… but they will never let him have that money to give to charity… but they will however, prob just give him a signing bonus and he i will give that to charity.

i miss the chappelle show :frowning:

Wait, who?


:lol: WHAT?!?!


i miss his show. I didn’t think it was the funniest show evar, but certainly worth the time watching.

Either that or they all ganged up on him and said if he wants them to leave him alone he has to go on the Oprah show and say what they want.

show was def. funny, but i was sooo sick of watching teh reruns that i stopped watching all together

I find myself enjoying his show, whenever I get a chance to catch it.

I did read that conspiracy theory.

It was a good story, but not true. Or highly unlikely, that its untrue.

The events, did not line up with, the actual dates of shooting. I looked it up online, and on other message boards, it was discussed.

anybody know where to get this actual clip of him on the show???

i’d like to see it