cheap desktop to surf the web on my tv

looking for a cheap pc that i can put behind my entertainment center and just use a wireless keyboard and mouse to surf the net while sitting on the couch … so it must have a tv output … lemme know . thanks

IMO just buy a laptop. I’ve never been into the text/output of a computer onto any TV I’ve ever used.
Unless you drop the resolution on the TV to make things bigger you’ll be squinting and having a hard time.


Laptops usually only have VGA out, which means your max resolution is 480p IIRC. TigerDirect usually has some DYI kits that run ~$300.

How big is the TV?

I have a 17" laptop with HDMI out that I don’t use anymore. Its pretty beefy so would look for $450 on it. Gateway P7811FX

I’ve got my 58" plasma hooked up to my HTPC via HDMI, running 1920x1080 and it’s awesome for web surfing from the couch. Some sites you have to hit CTRL++ in Firefox to zoom the text a little bit but if you do that once it remembers the zoom setting for the next time you go to that site. It’s all about using the right connection so you’re not running at shitty 480 resolution.

I’m not suggesting getting a laptop to connect to a TV. I’m suggesting getting a laptop RATHER than hook a PC to the tv. :wink:

Also…I’ve run HDMI before in 1080 rez and it’s just too damn small. Sure you can zoom but it’s pointless to me when I could have TV going with CNBC or whatever AND use a laptop to surf.
Keep in mind I’ve been a tech/geek whatever for over 14 years. I’ve played with things dating all the way back to the old school rca tv scan converters up to hdmi media centers.

Let’s see, check out HD movie trailers on youtube on my 15.4" laptop with it’s two dime sized shitty speakers, or my 58" plasma with 5.1 surround sound.

Yeah, I’ll take the TV surfing any day. :slight_smile:

Another great example, when my mom was looking for a house. Sitting crowded and uncomfortable at the dining room table looking at houses on the laptop vs kicked back on couch with the TV’s massive viewing angles that let you sit where ever and still see perfectly.

That’s an opinion. I as well am entitled to mine. Thus the JMHO in my original post. :wink:
My opinion can be taken FWIW and people can use or discard any suggestions they desire. :slight_smile:

I think the last laptop sold that could only display 480p was in 1990.

I have a laptop for sale if anyone wants to go vga output. Fresh copy of Win 95 and ready to surf. J/K

Ahhh ok…Yeah I’ve hooked my PC up to my 42" TV to play Battlefield…Wasn’t overly impressed. Although at the time BF didn’t scale to 1920 x 1080

i just had a pc for sale a last month, that had hdmi vga and dvi for $250 with a monitor too… lmk if you need help finding something, there is a computer shop in hamburg down by the lake that sells computers cheap…

No 65" + or 6.1 surround sound no care

i shoulda mentioned its for a friend … he is getting divorced and you know how that goes

he has a laptop say model 6000 … but the hdmi port has plastic covering … i just assummed the next model up (i.e. 6100) used the same case and offered hdmi …

now he has a flat screen vizio which has all the hookups except a typical monitor input … almost like all his electronics are just one year outta date lol

i was just asking around to help the guy out … are there any adapters to hook these things together