Check out this girl

Kinda creepy even

ummm doesn’t work. Nothing shows up

hahaa creeped me out when she loaded for the first time LOL !

ya some good 3d shit!

wait for a bit, i got really fast net and it took a few seconds

haha, cool

I’ve seen some footage of these programs before, it’s recent software that allows to take a photo and the algorithm will convert it into a 3d mesh and properly skin and animate it according to set anatomical points (eyes, mouth, corners of the jaw etc.)
They are planning to use it in film in the next few years, say hello to photo-realistic digital actors.

god damn that bitch is high on something.

I havent seen eyes that bloodshot in a while

thats actually pretty cool

She doesn’t go crosseyed if you put the mouse between her eyes. :frowning:

:open_mouth: Nicole :smiley:

sorry, im a re-re

I must be too, because I don’t even understand what you were trying to say with that one…

i was expecting some hot ass…nope! some nasty asian tranny who like to follow my fucking mouse

Maybe she’s the same one GranMassa sees all the time. :ohnoes

it’s not by choice, damnit!

I didn’t say it was…

Guilty conscience? :ninja

he/she makes the coffee with love… mmmmm. I’m just gonna stay away from the boston cremes and the glazed

u know how many foods are shaped like DICKS? THE BEST KINDS!!!

No popsicles, no hot dogs!

you hit Becca’s foot with your dick?

I was just finishing up this big veiny triumphant mother fucker…

Ghost busters lunch box dick treasure chest. :rofl

Another thread successfully off topic.