check out this sex offender in ohio

Its for real :eek:

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd:


Midget from hell


Chuckie !

Damn it i knew i would get on the internet wtf

haha, they did a big fuckin investigation about this weird lookin guy, but they still can’t prove M.J. touched little kids. fuck the police.

hahahaha that is the fugliest mother fucker i ever saw hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Talk about “GROSS sexual imposition” I’d say GROSS is right, how exactly does one’s eyeballs protrude so GROSSLY out of ones skull??? Freaky to say the least…:hsdance:

well, it wasnt like he was ever gonna get pussy any other way…


true i wouldnt even hit that if i was some 500pd ugly fat girl

dang i saw that on i am couldnt stop laughing.

if it wasent for date rape