You cant make this kind of poop up

MARCH 18–Meet Michelle Owen. Concerned that an ex-boyfriend had used her laptop to search for child pornography, the Indiana woman asked police to search the computer for illegal images, but had her plan backfire when cops discovered two videos of her engaged in illicit acts with a dog. Owen, 24, was charged last week with two felony bestiality counts in connection with the video files, which a detective found in the laptop’s “recycle bin.” At the time Owen asked cops to search the computer, she was locked up in the Johnson County Jail on a public intoxication charge (which violated the terms of her release in a prior drunk driving case). According to a police affidavit, a copy of which you’ll find here, a cop told Owen that he had found videos of her on the laptop and asked if she “knew what those files might be.” Owen, pictured in the below mug shot, replied, “The one with the dog.” Cops believe that the dog in question, Toby, is a beagle. After asking if she was “going to be charged with this,” Owen said that the videos “were just something she did when she was drunk and barely remembers it,” adding that she tried to “delete them the next day when she was sober.”

Wow people are fucked

Got her phone number, she sounds pretty easy when she’s been drinking! LOL

I have a couple of friends that could use some… and considering it says “ex-bf” and “gets really horny when drunk” I think that even the goofiest of my friends would have a real shot!

hahahah ewwwwwwwww

read the smoking gun police file. fucked up!



This is as good when people post incriminating pics of themselves on facebook or myspace. Absolute lack of common sense.

Thats a gross one deff…

Oh come on now. Who amongst us hasn’t gotten drunk and fucked a beagle at least once?


quality… even the dog the fucked her thought she was a bitch.

ahahahaha, calling kelly-clerks 2

LOL @ “tried to delete them when sober”

She must not be very bright if she couldn’t figure out how to empty the recycle bin… but then again she is fucking her dog.

I just read the police report and the only thing that happened was the dog licked her and then lost interest and walked away… it could have been so much worse.

Must be pretty bad down there.


are you speaking literally or figuratively?



Uhhhh…no thanks to the pics.

I have a feeling she was once a man, or dog…

