Check your Car History w/ Autocheck!

$5 for a single VIN check.

Three easy steps:

  1. Please e-mail me at teamosoi76 AT and send me the 17 digit VIN. Write “Autocheck Request” in title please so it doesn’t go to SPAM folder by accident.

(please double check it especially for 1,l,0,O misprints)

  1. I’ll run Autocheck and forward you the information by e-mail, same address you e-mail me from.

  2. You send $5 to Paypal when you get the VIN (same as my e-mail)

I usually respond with a few hours, if I’m at a computer even sooner.

Note: I respond to e-mail a LOT quicker than PM and replies because I usually don’t view Shift during work hours.


Sounds like a good service- I may be taking advantage of this soon