Chevy guys please help

I am looking for a acrobat reader rebuild manual for a chevy 350. I looked and looked, i cant find one. If someone knows where i can get one please help me

download a chiltons manual and be done with it, screw what format it’s in

or just buy one?

they only run about $20.

you guys don’t get it, the info is completely different if it’s not in pdf format.


i know your being sarcastic but i think Zac is just being really anal about it for NO f’ing reason, take ur ass to the parts store and get a book or go to chiltons website and get one online…

one problem, i dont have the money. O yeah the dd is broken, so i cant get around

The BMX bike? if so man up and walk, and 20 bucks isn’t that hard to get, take some old video games to gamestop and trade them for cash or something

no offence sweetheart but if you cant put 20 bucks into fixin your ride, you shouldnt be driving!

truer words have yet to be spoken:cookie:

if your under the age of 18 you shouldn’t be on the road operating anything gas powered over 49cc…too many teen accidents as is

Like you weren’t driving as a teenager?

I didnt get my license til I was 19…had I gotten it prior I would have been the dd for my parents. um no thanks!

my mom said my dad had to teach me how to drive in the winter…best way to avoid getting arrested for drugs/alcohol as a minor…dont get a license!

So at 16, I walked 45min everyday day after school from sharpshill to rt8 to make a lousy 5.15 and hour.

Kids these days have no clue how to operate with out a vehicle.

Very true though, if you don’t have $20 to spare to fix your car if it breaks down, how do you even afford gas to drive it?

cute pic. :finger:

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