Chinese to English translation

We have a ping pong table at work, and one of the guys bought new rubber for their paddle. I know Chinese doesn’t always translate directly to English, but this isn’t even close.

I don’t know much about table tennis paddles, but apparently this rubber is good for connecting to a multi-board pull salt. :wtf:

Um… so the paddles are actually deadly weapons?

Engrish. Speak Engrish!

Fine examples of Chinglish (Chinese-english).

More fun chinglish!

Here are a couple that I saw on various signs in the hotels when I was there 2 years ago:

Women are invited to not have their babies in the lounge.

Leave your clothes with us at the front desk and have a good time.

Happy ending included? :dunno:

No, I asked. The idea that they were trying to get across was that you should drop off your laundry at the front desk and then you could be free to “have a good time” since they worried about the laundry.

:rofl: @ my gutter-mind.

I just noticed at the very bottom…

You’d better not taste or smell the rubber products :bowrofl:

All your base are belong to us!