Tore up ******* on the way to OP to make a sweet rap video then took the highway back home. His car is rocking and making some good power for sure. Once his wife tells him he can get some drs on it it will be a top contender for sure.

we got one 40 - 100 on ****** I was NA, it was dead even. His tire spin and my weak NA not for roll racing power balanced the race. No vid cause it was only us two

went fishing, swimming and made a rap video then did a couple pulls with a camera man coming back home. all from around 50 on the bottle. Vids will be up soon


No street names n00b!

hahaha u only took one name out, ill take the other


im just marking my territory

Yeah I missed it… I was blinded by you posting 3 kill stories almost at once :tup:

Will you run me NA? Also lets try to hit the track wed!

Ugh. I thought he was pulling me on motor. I felt better after I realized he sprayed.

Spinning at any speed below 80 f-king blows. Wife is gonna have to cough up some money for tires.

Ill talk some sense into her so i can watch Choda go down.

you are dead to me

All i was trying to say is im looking forward to a better run hahaha

Nice :tspry:

Meh. :tif:



choda is undefeated this year?

For now!


Yeah, but he still didn’t race me yet this year. :tif:

I just realized what my car would sound like with a turbo. Both of your cars combined.

I gotta ask… how do you figure? Thats unpossible!!!

how many times have we lined up? :kiss:

Im doing what it takes to hold my title. Ill race anyone and anything that shows up in a street car with one condition, you beat me ( you have a hell of a car ) and i get a rematch.

Im willing to go pretty deep to keep the crown

deathproof - it would not sound anything like mine or my brothers or combined… lol

Sweet vid

looks like some good runs boyz… JT’s car hits hard and fast with the juice. Id love to see what that dyno looks like. 1000000000 ft lbs of torque at 1500rpm’s lol

i lost the dyno sheet =]

ill get one this year, prolly the next dyno day. Should make decent power