Chosen Few Accused of Plotting Violence

Last summer, several Chosen Few members dragged a Kingsman off his motorcycle on Buffalo’s East Side, clobbering him with an ax handle

The next day, a Chosen Few member was run off the road and shot at as he rode through West Seneca.

A few weeks later, state police arrested a Chosen Few member with 31 deadly pipe bombs, which they said he intended to use to blow up a Kingsmen clubhouse.

And last Friday, two Kingsmen blasted the Chosen Few’s clubhouse on Main Street in Depew with 12 rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle, police say.

Looks like they already stepped up from bow and arrows…

I agree with half your post about judging people and randomly talking shit…




The FBI doesn’t just drive and go…hmm lets wire tap these people and build a case then arrest 20 people with out some pretty substantial evidence…

Yeah but its like everyone is talking shit, why jump on the bandwagon. I mean maybe you dont like them because you have a pos civic and cant afford a harley to join, or maybe you have friends in the kingsmen? Idk what the reason is, But i know if you are out and see them and say hi theyll say hi back. Theyre not assholes like some people on here make them out to be, well maybe they were to you because you screwfaced them and talked shit to them. If you respect them they will respect you. I dont know why its such a big deal. They dont go into bars looking for a fight, they want to go out and have a few drinks and relax. Yeah they go out like 20 deep, but ohh well. Every monday at mandys the F body kids go there and they all hang out and look at me shittily because I drive a saturn, am I scared? NO. They run the dart board and dont let me to the bar, ohh well. Theres groups of ppl all over all the time, get used to it and deal with it. Basic motto is treat people with respect and you will get respected back.

Its rico, and yes I do realize it, my uncle has been charged with an action under it. The difference is that the paper makes the evidence they have to be rediculious amounts that what they really have. I guess all we can do is wait and see what the grand jury says.

I agree with your last post…

However your post just makes you look like a jackass and doesn’t help your cause…


Carry on though this will be entertaining.

dude save this for 9am tomorrow.
Recommend temp ban til then for the entertainment of day crew

So is your uncle one of the ones who clubbed a guy with an ax handle? Or was he one of the ones with 31 pipe bombs? Or just one of the few likely linked with the firebombing of an occupied building?

I’m sure it’s all just a terrible mistake, right?

How does it make me look like a jackass? All Im saying is the newspaper blows shit out of proportion. Makes it look like everyone got charged with everything when thats not the case. They already let most of them go…I just think its bullshit how everyone on here is putting them down without even knowing them. In my opinoin I think you guys are all jackasses for liking to work on your cars more than bang girls. Like really, I want to go to a bar on a monday night and drink pop and talk about the cammed ls1 I seen driving down clinton earlier in the day. Whenever I see the cfmc out theyre having a good time having a few drinks and hanging out with girls. When speed has meets its a bunch of fatasses circle jerkin eachother off to cars. Hey but thats cool I guess.


Once again…You’re talking shit about EVERYONE on NYSpeed…


OMGZ you bang GIRLS!?



Congrats most of this forum…Doesn’t meet your stereotype…

I do find it funny you’re stereotyping this forum but asking for your uncle and the biker club he belongs not to be…

Like I said you’re a jackass…

He was the treasurer, who got raided at 6 am thurs. Shot and killed his hound dog that was in the backyard fenced in. No though to answer you quest totally, he wasnt involved in the axe handle or alleged pipe bomb incident, but I know who was the axe handle man and who the “pipe bomb” man was and both are not in jail, and living free. Hah about the pipe bomb incident, it was a guy who got pulled over with a bunch of m80s but hey, I guess thats dangerous.

Just voicing my opinion sry to bother ya.

That’s what we are all doing. And our opinion is that the majority of those in that “club” are a bunch of violent meatheads that are acting like a bunch of immature high schoolers, but with guns.

i was waiting for this :drama2: hopefully your uncle gets released rogo

You’re contradicting yourself. You just bashed everyone in this thread for having stereotyped views about the chosen few, while a few posts later you do the same to NYSpeed.

Just sayin…

I know Like I said a few posts ago I was just voicing my opinion, sry to bother ya…Im done now, I got out what I wanted to say.

Where is this whole banging girls thing? You said in your first post that they won’t let YOU play darts, or let YOU go to the bar. So YOU are BY YOURSELF.

And they probably look at you like you’re a fggt because you are sitting there staring at them? :gotme:

Ummm take it easy there dblow, I was joking. You know making fun of a situation. I got to mandys on mondays and hang out with some of those kids so I was just poking fun. Didnt mean to hurt your feelings.:mamoru:

ha hes actually friends with a bunch of us, i think hes more or less comparing us to a “gang/group” that has LS1 instead of harleys

Thomas you genius, You figured it out. Anywhoo yeah thats exactly what I was doing was making a funny comparison, but I dont think a few of you got it but ohh well its done and overwith. Anyways Ill be attending Mandys with the LS1 gang tommorow for a guest appearance if you want to have a open discussion in person tommorow. And then after a :grouphug: