Chosen Few Accused of Plotting Violence

Looks like some of our local biker gangs have been watching to much Sons of Anarchy on FX!

East Aurora and West Falls representin! Aurora is hardcore! lol

Paul Cambria representin’ does this surprise anyone

lol gangs are so dumb.

im so fuckin sick of them. A bunch of them go to a bar that i like to go to, to throw darts. They act like they fuckin own the place and they are aloud to be complete assholes because they have the fuckin jackets on. Whats even worse are all the dickriders that follow them around and wear their “support your local chosen few” shirts. Are you fuckin kidding me? You arent “cool” enough to get into the chosen few so you actually wear a shirt to support them like a fuckin groupie. What does that even mean anyway, “support your local chosen few” what are they a fuckin labor union?

:lol: wait till they are in jail and your online to talk shit

well im sure that if you were in a bar full of them you wouldnt talk shit to their faces either, but i am aloud to state my opinion, and one time i actually did almost get killed by like 10 of them kuz one of them was walking around the bar pulling everyones darts out of the darts boards and throwing them and stealing billiard balls off pool tables, and i eventually snapped on him and they all started walking towards me so i booked. Just saying it pisses me off.


I wasnt knocking your comments…I just thought it was funny…

lol what bars do you drink at?!

The Pub.

thats the thing man, it doesnt need to be a dangerous or questionable bar, they are fuckin everywhere now. They are in bars in depew, west seneca, lancaster, it aint just lackawanna and the city nemore.

A few years back they would always be up at Yings on French/Transit. For all I know that still might be one of their regular spots?

Apparently we need to change up the ones we go to…

Anyone else see the irony that “The Chosen Few” claim to be the largest biker club in the area (on their home page)?

Also, I found this funny…

Geiger, who wore a big tattoo with the words “Trust No One” on his forearm, was identified by police as a state corrections officer.

Yeah, you’re a badass, with your tattoo of a saying made famous by Fox Mulder on The X-Files. :roflpicard:

Their colors make them look like artsy faggots.

you’re 50 years old. GROW THE FUCK UP.

A few of the chosen few were at reckioes one night and me and a few of my friends showed up on our bikes and they were saying shit about “jap crap etc” and “buy a real bike”

So i go, “yeah, I enjoy a bike that handles great and doesn’t break down ever 20 miles”
that didn’t go over well.

+1 beatnik faggots.

word these guys are major losers. They hang out @ The Hidden Shamrock on Transit, theyre faggoty club house is right down the street, buncha wannabes if u ask me one on one most are major homo’s thats why they travel in packs, like dirty ants.

Just read the article…they are up on RICO charges… They are fucked.