Chosen Few Accused of Plotting Violence

Aw, come on, the guy didn’t do anything worth banning. And I like hearing the other side that the news and police never tell you. The way ATF works it wouldn’t surprise me if the M80’s being called pipe bombs turned out to be true.

ROGO just has a hard time admitting that his Uncle is a criminal.

Chances are it will be him someday. Behavior breeds behavior. It’s in your blood broseph.

Also, I do realize there are bikers that REALLY are nice people. I know some bikers who look really mean, but are just great people. It’s fucked up that the asshole bikers have to ruin it for them.

he’ll be back after a short vacation, his infractions will expire soon. He came on here starting one hell of a shitstorm though, and thats the issue I have.

dude let him back on from 9A-5P weekdays.

This was a shitstorm? It stayed pretty civil compared to a lot of threads.

Oh well, hopefully his points expire before he gets back from court. :lol:

lol, timed bans arent something mike has made available.

Semi related

Allofthatshit.jpg is not needed. dude can go sit in the corner for a bit.

Im sure that even Timothy Mcvay was nice to his family and friends. Im sure they all woulda vouched for him being a great guy who loved his country as well. just sayin. You people defedning these bike gangs need to get your heads outt your asses. When people are afraid of coming out of there houses because of gunfire and violence then something needs to be done.

Everyone is a great guy if you find the right person to ask.

I found 7 of them that apparently are not very nice…

but they dress up like santa and donate there lovely locks of hair? this is impossible and just a big misunderstanding. What realy happened was they came running to this gentlemens aid when he fell down the stairs that were covered with pointy objects. The media always makes stuff up. Fox news must be covering these stories.:smiley:

LOL The Dickblower comment made me giggle lol

I know a few guys in the Lonely Ones and they all seem ok, but that is coming from my position. There are probably hundreds of people who look at them with fear. As much as I feel a club should be allowed to exists, when the violence escalates to this point the shit needs to stop.

My family owned a few bars/garages that worked with some of these clubs and my uncles all ride, but show no colors. They never get F-ed with and they are the nicest guys ever. (I also understand that they are my family, and the other guys are all their friends, so yah.)

I do know for a fact though that some of the guys are nuts. I know this one guy who ended up messing up his ex-wives hubby super bad. I won’t go into why he did it or anything, but I’m pretty sure he put tooth picks under the guys finger nails, then smashed each finger/hand with a hammer. I don’t think the guy went to the cops because it was some what justified. (If violence ever is as the guy beat the biker’s son.)

I can’t wait for Son’s of Anarchy to come back on this fall! Yippy.

Do you think biker clubs watch that show? Can they sue FX for giving them the ideas?

So where does all this money these “clubs” have come from?

So whose a leet hacker that can hack their site and leave a huge message saying “A chosen few leave my ass every morning” lol

I like their sites song to " I don’t need baggy clothes or holes in my nose to be cool" lol

I guess its the leathers, tattoos, and long hair that does it for them…

Meh, there are better gangs, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to drive a Harley someday.


you can do better.

word. im hungry and i forgot my wallet at home :frowning:

So putting stickers on other peoples cars that said:

“Fuck the Chosen Few”

could have funny results?

or slashed tires/broke windows/deaths.