Chunn-gaaha- gee Singhalingh does Washingtion

From Georgetown Univ Jazz clubs (where a micro-phone was hi-jacked) to the White House, The March on the The Capital, The Womens Negro Community Family Renunion, to Times Square and ditching PDiddy for its resident “Hustler”, Club HA, and many other stops along the way… one can only imagine the adventure of the past few days… It was a well behaved weekend, honest. Heres a pic for ya mang.

I see your Singh pic, and raise it with this-

Oct 10th brotha, let’s paint the town red and the girls white:bowdown

nice chain, fag

You know what the retail was on that thing? More than you can afford, pal.

pfff what hooker did you steal it off of

prolly your mom ,she called him after she saw his cock on here .i know how she can be when she gets wet its all over

eh, i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you’re probably right there.


singh for president !

political debates… oh ya

:rofl ahahaha “wtf is the hold up here…” “p diddy is coming out…” “OMG PLEASE MOVE THIS IS RIDICULOUS HE DOESNT WANT TO SEE YOU”

TurboT … this has been a long weekend huh

I see your chain and gift you this …

ya blin fucking bling !

lets keep it high rolling

thats the one with my phone, the camera is noticeably worse

hahaha this is really another topic but

i see u with that

that is great

i win

LOL dude, you look like a tranny who decided to go BACK to being male. What the fuck is going on here :rofl

Now that u point that out Benny…

we may need a whole new thread… for those curious…I was innocently in a chair and chillin with the hustler, thats all I am saying at this time

:rofl lololol

in the middle of the street

so what is the story behind jammers pic?

well i just pulled the rest of the pics off my other blackberry, so im gonna post them all up in a new topic and u’ll hear the whole epic story behind jammers pic it was soo hilarious