So yeah . . . . the night of the storm was a fun/ interesting night…
So Mcflurry and Singh and I decided to go out drifting for a few hours. Brought the video camera and got some good footage tearing up CP. Found a sweet industrial park. We did that for a few hours then came back to my house and chilled till about 12ish because it stopped sleeting and freezing rain and just was straightup raining(FTL)… so around 12ish it started to sleet again so we went out in Singh’s GRANDMARKET back up in CP going through neighborhoods having a blast… we came around one turn and there was a huge tree in the street… looked at it for a min and then dave decided to go up on the lawn to get around it… we got to the center of this old guys lawn and GOT STUCK…
side note … ill let Singh explain the getting stuck part bc apparently his story is different than me and steves even though we all in the same car…
… so we got stuck… we started to go back and forth rocking it to try and get out… NOTHING… so we try pushing… didnt do shit… so then singh told up to bounce up and down on the trunk as he floored it… umm yeah sunk down to the frame and rear bumper was on the ground. By now its 2:30AM and were calling everyone in our phones that could possibly help up and no one was anwsering…
called meena about 30 times and he finally anwsered at 3:45AM and got to us around 4AM. We Tried just straight up pushing the GRANDMARKET with the explorer in 4Low … NOTHING Happened, so he drove us back to my house to get my jeep, chain and tow strap. We get back and finally hook up a chain to the front of singhs car and to my brush guard…4Low started to pull NOTHING so we hooked it to the tow hitch on the V8 Explorer…NOTHING … so by now we think we are really fucked so we hooked up singhs car to the tow hitch of meenas truck and then hooked the front of meenas truck to my brush guard with 4 tow straps and both were in 4 LOW and both pulled and it was barely doing anything… so we tried one last time BALLS TO THE WALL full throttle both of us and finally pulled it out… by now its 6:15AM … Was a long ass night but was a good time all in all… since nobody was hurt and we got it out of the middle of someguys front lawn…
but heres 2 pictures i took… crappy quality with the camera phone