singh + deer


5 mins ago i hit a deer really fuckin hard, im on the side of the road posting this while waiting for the truck and shit to take my bike back

100% nothing i coulda done there… fuckin faggot deer i was comin around a curve up a hill that u cannot see far ahead enough to check all the ditches out for deer

anyways there was an oncoming car that saw me hit the deer , the car turned around and they picked up my shoe for me that fell off LOL

i hit the deers head with my bike and its body with my right leg and i can tell u right now my fucking leg is absolutely killing me right now, i also cut it somehow , idk how… but i think i can see the bone or something LOL

anyways, u either gone down or u are going down ROFL

i hope this was my going down

altho when i hit the fucking thing i just had an insane handle bar slap thing going on and bike turned into this big POS i def tweaked the forks i had to of

and my brakes are fucked too on the front, they always sucked tho :stuck_out_tongue:

fuck it, i didnt fall

holy fuck! glad to hear you’re relatively okay

yea man, thats why im happy and shit cuz i didnt fuckin fall, i cant imagine how much more this would suck if i fuckin fell man


i’ll post pics when i get home there is hair on my tire :lol

Holy fuck glad you didn’t fall. Post up some pics of the bike

Even mother nature is out to get bikes this year!

Glad you are okay and taking it in what seems to be good stride!

Lmao I love your attitude towards this singh. Awesome read and glad you are ok


Good thing you didn’t die or something.

wow man, lucked out big time. and it was awfully nice of them to get your shoe for you.

holy shit man that blows…sorry to hear that! how fast were you going?

Before I got in that accident with the dumb prius I hit a rabbit that darted straight outta the ditch right to my front tire. But that was my only really close call with nature…except for a crow that hit my leg, hurt like a bitch. :rofl

glad to hear your OK man, I read somewhere online that like 85% of motorcycle vs deer results in a rider fatality…fucking deer!

awaiting pics…

wow dude…glad you are ok

my little injun your good right ? hope your ok

how much for the bike

saw the thread title and definitely worried…then I saw it was by him so I was like hmm

i hit a rabbit tonight. there is blood and hair on my front bumper

You okay lil sambo? Need anything , just let me know. I might could provide a vehicle for a bit if your down and out. Dont die u freak, you hold the key to my interwebz!

+1, Singh don’t go getting yourself killed. If you wanted to hunt venison, I’ve got some perfectly good guns to go shoot them with :lol

poor deer… suprised you didnt pull out your ak and shot it. crazy indian.

But on a serious note, glad your ok :slight_smile:

i was going 50-55

and LOL :rofl i hit a fuckin rabbit on EASTER a couple years ago with my gandmas van that did the SAME exact thing as u said above, and i told my grandma and she was crying LOLLLLLL

thanks dude, im glad too

haha ya man, its all good im actually preparing your stuff right now to send over i didnt forget ya, and uh im good with vehicles there is like 20 over here, i was on my bros bike earlier thank god i hit the fuckin thing with my own bike ! i hate wreckin other shit

anyways thanks everyone for the “glad ur ok” things, they mean alot, seriously lol

ya my atitude towards it comes off a bit funny, im just really happy with my life and sometimes i think about it as being a bit too good to be true and worry abut shit like this, shit that i cannot do anything about, happening and possibly ruining my life, so the fact that this went down today and i got out of it, really makes me happy

shit…good job keeping it up

:rofl +1 on easter and gma crying lulzz

ahahaha dude shes so sensitive over shit like that and she was too scared to look at the hair on her tire
