singh + deer

singh ya still got the grand market or is that dead?

its sold, 100% profit too


and remember i wanted to see if u could inspect it ? :rofl ya i stole a sticker off another car and just flew with that lol

so what ya gonna whip now ? how bad is bike

idk tbh, i guess the bike is OK fork wise, but the front brakes go all the way to the handle bars, and tbh i didnt really feel looking at the bike too much after i got home, i went out and got some food and had a couple beers lol

im gonna check it out tomorrow, i mainly got a ride back in the truck cuz i didnt wanna ride back my leg was mad killin, and its gonna be sore for a few days i can feel it

im gonna ride w/e im in the market now for a cheap daily

but its all good i always got access to something so thats not an issue

damn singaling glad your ok, you can haz bike skills for realz

haha word that car u had with the deer spear on it, woulda been awesome today !

Glad you’re OK man, you lucked out.

X2. :wow

Lucked out big time.

This kid calls me up

Whats up? We’re on the side of the road looking for my backpack"
Me : :wtf

You remember how you said that there are only the riders that have been down and will be down? Yeah well, you were right
Me: :ahh
*Click - call ends
Me: :ahh :ahh :ahh :ahh :eek :eek :eek :ohnoes

this kid calls me up

LOL what kind of shit is that LOL “this kid calls me up” rofl


god dammit thats how it should of been said

anyways ya i had REALLY BAD SERVICE LOL and i called vlad cuz i was bored waiting and haha thats all i could get in before the service cut out hahaha, i had full 3g tho haha

Singh is Kingh

singh is deadh

LOL j/p

love u all now im gonna sleep im seriously fuckin tired

jesus fucking christ.

glad your ok man.

so wanna sell me your bike :slight_smile:

And thats why you just texted me… go to effin bed

LOL IM TRYIN stop answering my posts and my phone is gonna stop alertin me

Hope you’re doing better. Let me know if you need anything.

Glad you are ok brah.

I’ll be home next Thursday, we GOTTA party. No other options available.

wow man that was probably one of the best / worst posts i’ve read on here! lol i laughed my balls off. really glad you are ok man, deer are large rodents. pics or it didn’t happen.

damn singh just saw this shit… I dont visit the moto section often

Anyways good to hear your not dead… I’d hate you to leave me knowing that I owe you some read robin… yummmm

no srsly… glad your alright

Wow, really glad you are okay man. :hug
Good thing you didn’t break your leg, or worse. :ohnoes
+1 on the pictures though.

hey singh, let me know if you need wheels, you can borrow the wagon. Glad your alright, man