God Dammit!!!

I was on my way home from the bar now its 12:30 and a fucking DEER slides down a steep hill on my right and right out in front of my car!!! ITs fucking raing, the road is slick, I slam the breaks and cut it but just keep goin forward…and SMASH!! I hope I broke that mother fuckers back at least.

Luckily only the hood is bent and the grille is smashed BUT DAMMIT Im trying to sell the damn thing!!! :reloading :reloading :mad: :mad: :mad: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :reloading :reloading :reloading :reloading :reloading :mad: :mad: :mad: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk:

Im so pissed Im not even drunk (hence my ability to type) and this shit has to fucking happen when Im like 2 seconds away from putting the car up on ebay2 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

:owned: isnt it ironic?..but on the real way to many deers out. one reason bike is parked. you may win in a car/truck but a deer will own a bike

thats what you get for making fun of my tittay’s today

wow sorry to here that,sucks

that sucks brad, maybe you can get the hood and grille painted silver and help it sell faster!

adams had a real problem with deer he totalled his talon then got his 92 intergra. No more than about 5 days after getting it he hit another deer. This years has been bad for deer.

:owned: :hs:

on my way home from a buddies house i sawa nice 8 point standing in the middle of the road. I tried for it but it moved. So if you try to hit deer you wont! :dunno:

hahaha! yes!!!

No blood drawn here…No kill confirmed :frowning: …just missing ma GRILLLLE and a bent hood :greddy:

i know how you feel. i had my talon tsi for about 2 months, hit a deer and totaled it. now i just got an integra, and 2 weeks later, clipped a deer. i think i’m gonna start hunting now lol

deer :reloading

atleast it wasn’t a horse :rofl:

or a fat chick :kekegay:

damn son you got lucky
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