
This may end up on a few cars :ninja

I dare you to start handing those out to the PR’s at the lot.

+bring bear mace

I might print this out and have a few in my glove box for people who can’t park. I see them daily.

lol I have those in my glovebox

They have these on BF.c too, only its bimmer specific

First thing i thought of when i seen the title

Funny because I thought the same thing. I thought I was gonna see some crazy turbo one or something.

if someone takes the time to print them out…i will hand them personally to any/everyone at the lot!


start printing!

:rofl I printed out a few to keep in the car

this is not new. or did we go back to 1999?

ummm most people on here were like 12 or younger in 99 lol they wouldn’t remember anyway Elliot!

i was only 14 but i still remember ricecop.

Damnit I feel old…