on friday around 6pm…rice rice… fart cannons, and pittspeed stickers… dont rev at me boy in traffic
you won’t win, don’t even try
on friday around 6pm…rice rice… fart cannons, and pittspeed stickers… dont rev at me boy in traffic
you won’t win, don’t even try
well it does look like a grand prix
remove your fuckin pittspeed stickers, asshat
you, shelby and suncawk, should form a car club
douche bag racing… hell invite quik to be your president
I’m lost. www.yahoomaps.com cant help me either
goto sunoco, buy a map. what your looking for is in between pewter’s butt hole, and the state of confusion
another made up lie about racing. why dont you just leave, no body cares what you got to say
ya your a fucking faggot :1320:
go take your leased grand prix back to the dealer and sit on a cock k thanks bye
i’ve seen that red cavy before down there around Sewickly.
why would you want him to remove his pittspeed stickers?
that’s absurd, let him sport pittspeed stickers, he aint hurting anyone
pretty sad you would auctally make a post like this being you drive a
2005 GTO M6(which the GTO is still a POS and overpriced)
I’m sure he didn’t rev his engine at you, you probably revved your engine at
him because you know his car cant even keep up, and you wanted to act like
you were top dogg in traffic.
thanks for the laugh i needed one
Why is it a POS?
why has everyone started hating this guy since he got the gto??? sheesh you like him, you hate him, you like him, you hate him, which one is it?
i remember alotta anti blue posts when he had the mustang too :dunno:
he’s a bullshitter and has nothing better to do then to lease grand prix’s and talk shit on other members
i prefer the TA’s, but jeff is right, GTO’s are sweet cars - imo
i hear the leased ones do 12’s stock :kekegay:
It’s a POS b/c it does Pontiac no justice for having that car.
Blending Old School into New School doesnt really flow with the GTO
I mean if your going to make a GTO be like the old, at least make the
body resemble the old style GTO. not a grand prix or whatever
But this thread gave me a good laugh…
quite frankly :gives:
actually I can point out a thread, which is right here. http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/showpost.php?p=270496&postcount=84 where you say you love the GTO… as far as you… you need to get rid of your girlie car, and get something else, unless you play for the pink team, faggot
as far as the stickers… ricers are faggots, I can tell you are a ricer… we don’t welcome your kind here
and noob please, if you knew anything about me, you’d know I don’t even waste my fuckin gas on piece of shit cars to race against… which include, cavaliers, scion’s bolt on hondas etc.
leased one’s? umm, prove it’s a lease.
I don’t need to lease a car Jeff, I make more money in a day, then you prob do in a week. I can afford the extra 20-30% of the monthly payment, thanks.
How about you remove your tongue from quik’s balls